servo prolems
Just bought A HITEC HS-645MG ultra Torque MetalGear Servo, to replace my Parallax Standard Servo because I needed more torque.
When running my program to center the servo, there is a clicking noise for a few seconds, then it jitters, then repeats this cycle (not the cycle intended).
THe new servo has a pulse width range of 900-2100us, and a pulse cycle of 20ms, just like the standard servo. It's the same size and same rotational range from 0-180 degrees.
Does anyone know why these side affects may occur?
Attached below is the code I used.
New servo - Archive [Date 2011.01.24 Time 23.40].zip
When running my program to center the servo, there is a clicking noise for a few seconds, then it jitters, then repeats this cycle (not the cycle intended).
THe new servo has a pulse width range of 900-2100us, and a pulse cycle of 20ms, just like the standard servo. It's the same size and same rotational range from 0-180 degrees.
Does anyone know why these side affects may occur?
Attached below is the code I used.
New servo - Archive [Date 2011.01.24 Time 23.40].zip
By signal I mean the PWM coming from the Prop.
While many of the servos I use work fine with a pulse of 3.3V, some just kind of jiggle in place without the servo arm moving much.
Of course, Mike is almost always right so make sure and take his suggestion seriously.
I made a quick search with google for specs and came up with these two hits
the specs says Required Pulse: 3-5 Volt Peak to Peak Square Wave
so 3.3V should be enough.
Current Drain (4.8V): 8.8mA/idle and 350mA no load operating
so with no load a 1A powersupply should be enough for testing.
I guess WITH load the current goes up to 2A - 4A.
You should use a second powersupply for the servo. You just have to connect the ground of the servopowersupply with the ground of the propeller
otherwise the servosignal is "free-floating" and has no real reference.
best regards
I attached a separate power supply the ground tied to the ground of the propeller but the motor still continues to rev repeatedly.
I think I may take it in to school to see if my professor has any insight.