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Announcing COGNITION — Parallax Forums

Announcing COGNITION

HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
edited 2011-01-22 02:20 in Propeller 1
Coming soon - COGNITION a new Parallax-Propeller-based Magazine/newsletter

Have you noticed the increased interest in multiple Propeller chip projects?

Cognition is designed with a collection of information sources about and related to assembling larger multiple propeller-based machines. These machines may encompass just a couple prop chips for testing or include dozens in larger arrangements.

The free newsletter contains photos, news and embedded links for access to more complete stories, schematics, sources and software for download. Cognition is an open source newsletter and anyone may comment or contribute - propcog(at)google(dot)com.

Cognition newsletter will assemble news sources, links, documentation and collections of information about multiple Propeller projects and related ideas so it will save you lots of search time by bringing these topics together. If this is your interest, I think you'll like it.

Also of interest is that Cognition is the newsletter of PropCOG - the new Propeller Super Computing Opensource Group. PropCOG has initiatives to design, build and test large working opensource super computing and super micro controlling machines using Parallax Propeller chips.

PropCog could lead to various open source machines including a working desktop super computing machine and massive robot brains for Artificial Intelligence and more sophisticated Humanoid robots.

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