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Com to an RFID Reader with hypertherminal — Parallax Forums

Com to an RFID Reader with hypertherminal

LuckyPeteLuckyPete Posts: 1
edited 2011-01-22 01:53 in General Discussion
We are going to "talk" with the RFID reader board but we need to do this through simple ASCII serial comunication.

Can you experts gives us a hint on:

Commands to open the comunication with the board?

We will send hex values to do this with hyperterminal.

Where can we find the info to do this. Just find this with snooping is a long task. Maybbe there is info on this.

For example, the string has a format... first byte are ?? , and second bytes are commands ... or should we just stay with an open port, listenning to the string comming out of the board when a tag is present?

In the documentation its mentionned:

"When the RFID Card Reader is active and a valid RFID transponder tag is placed within range of the
activated reader, the unique ID will be transmitted as a 12-byte printable ASCII string serially to the host
in the following format." Should I understand that I just have to listen?

We have no stamp or PIC connected to this but a serial module that can build string - out or listen to string comming IN. Then we have processors and block to parse and/or convert the values to meanningfull stuff.

Thanks a lot in advance.



  • WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,936
    edited 2011-01-22 01:53
    Took me a bit to find this due to the forum re-organization, but this thread has what you need in the 4th post. It is an RS-232 circuit interface to connect the RFID reader directly to a computer. You should just have to use a terminal program and "open the serial port on the PC at 2400 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity (2400, 8, N, 1)"

    RS-232 Interface Circuits - Circuits for connecting Parallax Microcontrollers and Accessories to·PC COM Ports or other RS-232 peripherals.

    I found this in the Official Parallax Projects thread in the projects forum.
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