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Anyone working on FTP? — Parallax Forums

Anyone working on FTP?

sstandfastsstandfast Posts: 39
edited 2011-01-21 12:57 in Accessories
Has anyone considered trying to implement FTP? That is one of the things on my todo list but I just haven't had much time lately to work on anything. Besides, I still have lots of reading to finish with all the RFC's for HTTP, GENA, HTML, and FTP and the W3C recommendations for XML and SOAP, I haven't had an opportunity to do much hand's on with anything else. Network programming is new to me so I need to read those spec's so I know what I am doing.

Anyway, I think FTP would be a nice to have because it can allow you to remotely update your webpages and firmware. Just send the HTML page or Binary file to your Prop via FTP and it will write it to either the SD card or the EEPROM. A simple reboot command and the new firmware is loaded. A refresh of the page and the new page is served. I was just curious if anyone is working on implementing this?



  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2011-01-21 12:57
    I started to look at FTP because I was tired of removing the SD card each time I had an update. I was lazy and decided to use HTTP to send files and update EEPROM. FTP would be cool though.
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