What language are you using in your current major Prop project?

As we have had a selection of languages available for the Propeller for some time now I'm curious to know what their take up has been.
I'm sure there are more languages in use but we only have 5 options, so please to tell what you are using if you check "other".
As there are different implementations of each language, like Catalina and ICC for C, a post indicating which is used would be interesting.
I'm sure there are more languages in use but we only have 5 options, so please to tell what you are using if you check "other".
As there are different implementations of each language, like Catalina and ICC for C, a post indicating which is used would be interesting.
So let's try and go with the spirit of the thing. "Current" can mean "fairly recent", like within a year. "Major" can mean many things to many people depending on their skills, whether they are professional or hobbyist etc.
You're right I'm wanting to see what the usage has been recently and is now or will be in the near future. Where is peoples effort expended?
Anyway, you can vote for multiple options on this poll.
C (Catalina)
Dr_Acula, not so much, you better look out, there is a 1000ft tall alien looking for you:)
Own up who did it? Someone checked "other" with no explanation. We are curious to know what other.
Blimey, Zog seems bigger than when I last checked. I swear he was only 3 inches high last time...
This Zog starts out small enough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzPYXtkTNwg
Or could you handle the latter half of this Zog party: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3xjx5_zog-zog-raid-7_videogames
The human Zog worshippers frighten me enough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQPJ88l3OC8
The original Zog is over a thousand feet high though: http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix3/zogjim.htm
Really SPIN/PASM and C are the only Propeller languages I use.
I have spent time with the Javelin Java port on Propeller though.
ZOG C is coming along nicely on the SDRAM boards.
PropBasic is ballistic.
I'm not a skilled programmer, and the object exchange is a terrific value.
At the moment I'm using GPS, Xbee, Ray's LCD, SD card. I wrote a GPS navigation object that could have been written in any language do do the math, and I'm writing some code just to combine the data, and provide a GUI. Everything else is already available, and works out of the box.
An interesting observation.
On the face of it languages like Pascal, Modula, Ada etc are no better or worse than C (depending on taste mostly) But C won out and now the are huge mountains of functions and libraries available for it. Thus it becomes a more useful choice simply because of the support surrounding it, never mind the merits of the language.
We still don't know what the mystery "other" is.
Seriously though, we need a lot more votes here to get a picture of lesser used stuff.
I can't believe that all that work has gone into Catalina and BASIC and Forth etc with the associated lengthy threads here but there are so few users.
When we voted, it said that "others could see your choices"...
I was right about guessing the forth user. (rock on Prof_braino) Really curious what Ron_P is running... Do tell
@raven, I like SPIN too. It's easy. And it's often possible to make SPIN / PASM stuff one file, maybe including binary bits here and there in the DAT. My favorite ended up being the indenting for loop delimiters. It's just nice after doing it for a while.
If there had been a choice for "PASM only", that would have been the one for me.
As yet, I'm a SPIN ignoramus, so all is done in assembler.
Peter (pjv)
Interesting. So did you check "Spin/PASM"?
How do you get your PASM started?
Luckily most languages allow you to use "cursing" in the comments:)
I try to remove most of it when/if the program starts to work and I calm down a bit.
So, yes, I did check Spin/PASM.
As for starting, of course there is the obligatory COGINIT, but that is all. Hardly what I would call Spin programming. Frankly, I have not learned Spin because of all those funny little symbols, and what many of them mean.... just too complicated. And, so far at least, I can get everything I need done in assembler; and at the high performance instruction speeds I expect. Of course writing the code takes for ever.
To tell the truth, I have yet to fire up a second Cog for any of the code I have needed, but that is due to my multi-threading scheduler. It lets me run homegrown (non-obex) I2C, FDXserials, OneWire, 5KHz steppers, ADC etc all concurrently in a single cog.
But with the progress on my CNC table, that is about to change, and I'm sure that as a second or more Cogs get launched there will be new challenges.
Peter (pjv)
OK fair enough. There is a PASM assembler out there that allows one to write pure PASM and get it started on the Prop with no Spin present in the source at all. Forget what it is called now. But it does not support the Spin syntax for constants, data definitions etc.
Now that is impressive. The scheduler is one thing but how do you find the space to put so much into a COG?
The Scheduler is about 60 longs, the Serial Tx is 12 longs, the Serial RX is 23 longs, the steppers 60 longs (still a work in progress). the I2C and OneWire are not on my palette just now, so can't conveniently do a count, but my recollection is 25 or so longs for the I2C.
But I'm sure I will run out, and then the fun begins with additional Cogs..... I have a project requirement for work to do 10 Mb/s ethernet (with no PHY) so that will be a real challenge.
My experience is that you can get a ton done in a single Cog if you approach it right. Same for the old SX, and I hate to say it, but that was due to the fast SX interrupt. For some things I can still well outperform a Prop with an SX.
Peter (pjv)
Not bad going.
Someone here has already been working on ethernet, UDP packets at least. No idea where it is or how well it worked.
You can get a ton done in a COG. I have a complete 8085 emulation in one:) I've always worried that a lot of COGs are wasted on tiny little bits of code. Your scheduler would surely help.
I'm sure the SX fast interrupt can get things done. But can it get 8 things done at max at the same time:)
Most of my cursing goes uncommented because I have usually made a dumb .... mistake. GIGO applies here