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How to measure car steering vibration using LDT0-028K piezo film sensor in BS2P24? — Parallax Forums

How to measure car steering vibration using LDT0-028K piezo film sensor in BS2P24?

erick_2987erick_2987 Posts: 11
edited 2011-02-19 21:52 in Accessories
Hi! I am new to this forum and also Basic Stamp micro-controller. My project is about to measure car steering vibration in static condition. After so many studies, i found that piezo film sensor will be suitable sensor to measure steering vibration.

This sensor will give output whenever it displaced from its neural axis. The problem is this sensor only give analog output but the mc only read digital output. Can u guys help me to find sources where i can find signal conditioning circuit for this sensors so it wont give noise at it's output. I plan to use ADC 0834 to digitize the output from the signal conditioning circuit. Is tat this ADC suitable for the BS2P? Any suggestion?

My another question is cn we use basic stamp to record the vibration signal and send to the computer via wireless so that the computer do some neural network calculation and show the output in matlab GUI?

Thank you:smile:


  • kf4ixmkf4ixm Posts: 529
    edited 2011-01-20 07:21
    Im not sure if the piezo film sensor is what you want to use, i say that because i dont think that the piezo will give you an accurate measurable output of g-forces, i have used them before for basically vibration yes/no-output type sensors, to give an output if any vibration exists. i think an accelerometer would be a better choice for you in order to actually measure the force of the vibrations in some sort of scale. i know there are people here in the forums that have probably done way more than me with the piezo film sensors and may be able to help you with the piezo film sensors. If it was me, i'd go with the accelerometers, and there is code available for pretty much all of them offered by parallax to interface with any of their microprocessors.

    On the wireless link question, in short, absolutely! you can use the xbees for this, using one on your pc connected to the usb adapter board, the other xbee connected to your BS2P, all you have to do is have your data stream out to whatever pin your xbee is connected to, in essence, an invisible serial cable. something like this is very easily done with the xbees.
  • erick_2987erick_2987 Posts: 11
    edited 2011-01-23 21:38
    i have adxl335 and adc0834...i want to select only x-axis direction and the convert it into analog.the sensor then stick to the car it possible for me to detect and then measure the vibration only in x-direction???Comparing the ADXL355 and Hitachi H48C....which 1 is bttr 4 my data acquisition's???
  • kf4ixmkf4ixm Posts: 529
    edited 2011-01-25 06:35
    In my opinion, i would use the H48C for two reasons, the first being that it has a digital output that can be directly connected to the BS2P, minimizing external support circuitry (i.e. having to use an ADC). and secondly, programming for the H48C would be easier, as there is excellent demos available on the product page. tinkering with the demo's, you should be able to understand the operation of the sensor. if you study the documentation for the H48C along with the demo program, you will be able to see how to get just the 'x' axis, or any other axis data. good luck with your project!
  • werntonbwerntonb Posts: 3
    edited 2011-02-19 21:52
    Sorry mate, I am not expert with it. Good luck in findings.
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