Memory adresses...
Ok, i'm getting more and more confused...
Memory cells inside a cog is adressed in longs, right? Meaning that if i increment a pointer to a cog-cell by one, i would have skipped to the next long in memory? And if i would like only one byte from cog-memory i would have to extract it from the long containing it, since i cannot adress individual bytes? Is this correct?
But what about hub-memory? This memory is byte-adressed,or? Meaning that if i increment a pointer by one, i would have skipped a byte, and not a long?
So if i have an array of longs, like this:
And want to access each item in that array from my assembler program, would i do like this then:
Furthermore, if it was an array of bytes instead of longs, which is it then?
Memory cells inside a cog is adressed in longs, right? Meaning that if i increment a pointer to a cog-cell by one, i would have skipped to the next long in memory? And if i would like only one byte from cog-memory i would have to extract it from the long containing it, since i cannot adress individual bytes? Is this correct?
But what about hub-memory? This memory is byte-adressed,or? Meaning that if i increment a pointer by one, i would have skipped a byte, and not a long?
So if i have an array of longs, like this:
VAR long Array[32]
And want to access each item in that array from my assembler program, would i do like this then:
cognew(@someprg, @Array[0]) DAT mov r, PAR rdlong a1, r add r, [COLOR="red"]#1[/COLOR] rdlong a2, r add r, [COLOR="red"]#1[/COLOR] etc..
cognew(@someprg, @Array[0]) DAT mov r, PAR rdlong a1, r add r, [COLOR="red"]#4[/COLOR] rdlong a2, r add r, [COLOR="red"]#4[/COLOR] etc..
Furthermore, if it was an array of bytes instead of longs, which is it then?
I have an array in my program with pseudo-registers to pass data between cogs, sort of like this:
Is this correct? I'm getting weird bugs that sometimes is fixed by changing #4 into #1, and sometimes the reverse is true... Gah...
If you copy an array of longs from hub memory to cog memory, the hub memory address is incremented by 4 and the cog memory is incremented by 1 as each long is copied.
PAR is assumed to contain the address of a long. The hardware doesn't include the low order two bits of whatever you supply to the COGNEW nor does it include anything beyond 16 bits. In other words, you can pass a value divisible by 4, less than 65536 and anything else is discarded.
RDWORD buffer, hubadr
where hubadr contains $7fff it will really read the word from $7ffe.
RDLONG would read the long from $7ffc.
In other words, if you loop through bytes you'd add #1, if you loop through words you'd add #2 and for longs you'd add #4. Otherwise you'd read the same word twice or the same long 4 times.
You should also know that PAR is expected to be a LONG alligned address, as here the 2 least significant bits are also zero - always!
So, if you want to pass a byte-address you should put this address into a long and pass this address. So your PASM code first has to read the byte-address from the location that PAR points to.
You saved my a** a week ago or so, so don't feel sad, i'm already grateful to you!
You'd only waste COG RAM, if you use RDBYTE to load it into COG RAM by simply increasing the COG RAM address pointer as this would only use the least significant byte of the COG RAM register. But you can do it better if you want. You can simply copy (buffer_size+3)/4 longs instead of buffer_size bytes which is a lot faster, as you have divided the number of HUB RAM accesses.
Then you need shift and mask-operations in the COG if you want to process that data bytewise.
With RDBYTE/WORD/LONG data, hub_adr you read the following
Hope that helps.
Thanks both Mike and MaglO2!