parallax serial terminal problem
Im taking another go at learning the prop and had some success with full duplex serial and a serial lcd but ive been
flummoxed by the PST ,when i first tryed the example and a few other objects it seemed it wasnt working,then i discovered it is not displaying the first two lines of my test and was waiting for my first input, after enable enter a number and it moves on to the second question ,whats going on ? Thanks Jim
flummoxed by the PST ,when i first tryed the example and a few other objects it seemed it wasnt working,then i discovered it is not displaying the first two lines of my test and was waiting for my first input, after enable enter a number and it moves on to the second question ,whats going on ? Thanks Jim
Here's what I do instead:
Behind term there is my FullDuplexSerial object.
This gives you as much time as you want.
If you want to use Parallax Serial Terminal.spin and not FullDuplexSerial.spin, MagIO2's wont work with PST the spin object. As MagIO2 points out you can use Parallax Serial Terminal.exe using FullDuplexSerial.spin and use his code in your terminal program.
I resently learned there are two files named Parallax Serial Terminal in the main object folder. One is a spin file the other is an exe file. Kind of confusing.
Parallax Serial Terminal.spin and FullDuplexSerial.spin have some methods in common but most are different. PST does not have an equivelent method to rxtime (that I could find).
I tried your program in it worked fine (it needs a new line before "Enter rate:"). I had to press the enable button very quickly once the Prop Tool finshed loading it.
As MagIO2 suggests, you need more time. One option is to change the first waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt) to waitcnt(clkfreq * 3 + cnt).
Another option is to load your program to EEPROM (F11) and reset the Prop after enabling PST (the exe version).
I haven't used Parallax Serial Terminal.spin myself (until just now) but I think I like FullDuplexSerial better.
Don't give up on the Prop. It's a lot of fun and is a great microcontroller.
I added the 3 sec delay and its working I guess Im slow on the clicking, how could I delay the process so it wont proceed till I hit enter,Ive been using it by putting a duplicate first question and starting by entering a number.I remember a time program by johny Mac that used pst with full duplex serial that worked for me.Thanks again ,Warning more questions to follow Jim
In the beginning I also used a waittime, but most time it's either to slow or it's to fast ;o) That's why I switched to the "press key method". As I use it in all programs you can see which program is loaded into EEPROM before it really starts for example after a reset. When you just changed setup of a developer board this might safe you some PINs if the old program want's to output on a PIN that's used as input in the new setup.
change to This should wait until you've pressed a key before your main loop starts.
Edit: MagIO2, Do you know if there is a better way to do this with PST?
On the other hand BST has a terminal included, with auto connect/disconnect.
You start the terminal, connect it to the prop, then go back to the program and hit F10. BST takes care of the rest.
it out, The CharIn works good or adding waitcount solves it.
have a new problem with PST,I took this from the PE labs funbook and am trying to output to pst ,but Im getting some asci cyrillic looking output. What am I screwing up now?