Missing file icons

I notice that Spin file icons are not being displayed, causing multiple file links to run together:

Back when Jim and I were working on the remigration, I sent him a couple icons for Spin and BASIC Stamp source files (copied from Parallax Windows file icons), which he implemented, but which have since disappeared. They're attached below.
I also provided some deanimated emoticons (attached) from the old forum, which were also implemented but have disappeared. We really need the old emoticons back. The new ones (e.g.
) suck.
I notice that Spin file icons are not being displayed, causing multiple file links to run together:
Back when Jim and I were working on the remigration, I sent him a couple icons for Spin and BASIC Stamp source files (copied from Parallax Windows file icons), which he implemented, but which have since disappeared. They're attached below.
I also provided some deanimated emoticons (attached) from the old forum, which were also implemented but have disappeared. We really need the old emoticons back. The new ones (e.g.

The file-type icons we can add back in though; however I can't at the moment as I turned my workstation off, so I can't remotely access it. But they will be returned!
Great! Thanks! You can duplicate the bs2.gif file to cover .bse, .bpx, etc. files. I don't think anyone will care about using different colors.
Contact Jenny, webmaster, or I'll just tell her about the complaint when I see her; I believe she also has her PM settings toggled on.
It's interesting that the intent is to mimic Lego heads, and I'm not opposed to that in principle. But the limited number of pixels available for such an icon makes such a fanciful approach unrecognizable, unfortunately, and they just turn into fuzzy blobs as a consequence. I would much prefer less thematic, less artistic, and more overtly recognizable icons like we had before.
Since the current icons now appear to have originated from Parallax and not from the forum software providers (as I had assumed), I regret the characterization "suck" in describing them and wish I had substituted a more constructive term. My sincere apologies to Parallax's stellar (but fallible) art department.
It's easy to fix. Just copy the GIFs I attached above to this directory: [noparse]http://forums.parallax.com/images/attach/[/noparse] (The bs2.gif can be duplicated into all its flavors, e.g. bse.gif, bpx.gif, etc.)
Thanks, Bump. I was just afraid it might've gotten subsumed in the smoke from the emoticon issue.
:cat: :zombie: :snooty:
what the :swear:
oh awesome :-*
Wait, i knew that