PKS (Propeller Keychain System): Now shipping!
We're opening up Coby 151 1.5" keychain digital photoframes and replaced the circuit board with a Prop powered board.
New board is packed with features such as 3-axis accelerometer, USB chip, real time clock (RTC), buzzer/speaker, flash memory, battery...
A 4-pin header and special circuit allows you to use the PKS as a Prop Plug!
Original idea was jazzed from this thread.

I'm shipping the 3rd unit now. Cost is $60. They take forever to make. Email me if you want one to get on the list, but it's likely to be a while...
You can get more info from the product page here:
New board is packed with features such as 3-axis accelerometer, USB chip, real time clock (RTC), buzzer/speaker, flash memory, battery...
A 4-pin header and special circuit allows you to use the PKS as a Prop Plug!
Original idea was jazzed from this thread.

I'm shipping the 3rd unit now. Cost is $60. They take forever to make. Email me if you want one to get on the list, but it's likely to be a while...
You can get more info from the product page here:
Note: There are two basic types of LCDs that the Coby 151 comes with, TFT and CSTN.
CSTN is the usual type and there are 2 varieties, you may have to adjust the contrast (see code examples) depending on the exact type you get. If you happen to get the rare TFT type, you'll have to change the driver (see code examples for details).
It screams for an OS and applets, but that'll take time.
The great thing about this little guy is that you can take it with you when traveling for prortable Propping
& I like being able to use it as a propplug too!
WOW that thing is small. I thought that was a AA battery in the photo, but then I realized it is a AAA.
I can't wait to get one.
All I can say is "YOU ARE THE MAN!!!".
The PKS is without a doubt the most incredible product I've seen for the propeller.
You simply MUST find a supply and make these available for parallax to sell.
I ran all the demos and they worked great. I love the 3-axis accel.
I'll have to study the schematic and make a couple demos of my own.
Thanks for making these available...
I'm about to order a solder stencil which should make it faster...
If I were a larger company (like Parallax), I could mass produce them fairly easily... All I'd need is a source for new LCDs and a source to clone the cases...
Thanks for helping with the software. I'd like to do more in that area, but I've got too many pots on the fire right now...
I want to connect it to a geiger counter to display averages and a graph of counts.
I'll use the 4 pin PropPlug connector to do that since I only need 1 input.
Just to check the specs - I'm guessing 128x128 display with 4096 colors, so 4 bits per color, 12 bits?
13 pins for the display then a lot of flexibility for the rest.
For an operating system you could go text or graphic based. Mouse or keyboard? Or just a few pushbuttons?
Very interesting! Well done.
Do you have any documentation for the display ? I'd like to make a PropBasic driver for it.
So far, as long as I get black or white versions from, they've all had the same connector.
But, some colored ones from other vendors did not have a compatible connector.
Anyway, the two basic types with the compatible connectors are TFT and CSTN.
I had to use different drivers for these two types because the command formats are not compatible.
The TFT type does allow for 6:6:6 color, so I'm using that for that driver.
The CSTN types only allow 5:6:5, so I'm using that for those units.
Ideally, I'd find a source for replacement TFT LCDs and just put a new display in each unit. In that case, I'd just use the case from the Coby.
But, that'd add some money to the cost...
Yeah there really needs to be a standard for this thing to take off.
As far as cost, I think you could sell these for about $99 pretty easy. I don't know if that makes it worth while though...
Is there anyway for the propeller code to determine which type of display is connected ? We could have code with both drivers and if it could determine which to use.
Another option is to use upper memory of the EEPROM or a file on the flash to store system info...
I've never figured out if Alibaba is a legitimate place or not...
Anyway, I don't think I'll be making 500 of anything!
It's a FRONT for other businesses to present their goods.
Those companies may be legit, or they may be scams.
Not really a good way to find out.
You could look at or their volume resellers site for parts.
Or maybe...
This can be hacked?
(1.8" touch LCD .MP3 player. Price starts at $21.08 and drops rapidly to less than $20.)
On DealeXtreme, shipping is free. On VolumeRate, some items come with free shipping, others not.
I have a PropBasic driver working except that the screen seems to be shifted a couple pixels.
The left side is cutoff, and I can see some junk pixels all along the right side.
Is there any way to adjust it ?
I may have it screwed up by sending bad data while testing, so I'm going to let it die and see if it clears up.
I made my driver a straight "byte per pixel" bitmap using 3:3:2 color encoding. After clean up the code some I'll post the PropBasic library. Of course it will only work on the TFT version.
I'm trying to understandhow the PropPlug mode works. From the schematic it looks like P24 is connected directly to the RESN pin and to the 4-pin header.
If you make P24 high won't that prevent the target propeller chip from resetting too ?
I have no plans to use PropPlug mode, what I'm looking at is getting 3 I/O pins on the header. I may need to cut a track. Can you advise me on this ?
There's an error in the schematic... You're right, it wouldn't work as drawn... In reality, the reset pin at the 4-pin header is connected to the junction of the 100-Ohm resistor and the NPN transistor's collector.
Thanks for catching that.
Would you be willing to sell the bare PCB alone? I would be interested in getting a couple and trying my hand at assembling it myself.
Only dilemma is that I ship everything I sell in the $5 USPS Priority flat rate box, which is rediculously big for these boards... I should invest in a regular mail system, but haven't yet...
If there's anybody else, just email mail me at with your order.
The small size makes them great for any number of things...
I think (although I haven't tried it) that the PKS board could be used as sort of a breakout board for the display. One could leave the Prop off and run wires from the pads where the Prop would be to your own Prop board...
If its just a bare board, can you tape it to an index card and put it in a regular envelope? I regularly send CD's through the mail in a paper CD jacket with a stamp on it, we never had a problem yet. (knock wood).
I'll have to get some next time I'm at the store...