Getting started from...trash!
Ok, well not exactly trash. A friend of mine had a Basic Stamp 2 and ended up giving it to me (along with a bunch of other stuff she had). I have a handful of headers that I've fished out of the trash. Got a few female DB9 connectors from the garbage heap too. My laptop has no serial port, but...wait for it...I found a working laptop in the garbage as well!! Who knew? It's an old clunky thing running Windows ME. So I downloaded the Basic Stamp Editor software from Parallax and installed it on my trash laptop (trashtop?). I soldered up some wires onto 4 headers and a DB9 connector, which I plugged into the male 9-pin RS232 port on the Trashtop. That particular port appears to be labeled |O|O|.
Well, I got the software running, and wrote a tiny little "blink an LED" program, but no dice. When I hit "Run," I get a message saying that there is no Basic Stamp detected. What gives? I mean, I pretty much made my own serial cable...I think. Is there something more to a serial cable then just 9 (in this 4) conductors??
BTW, the Trashtop is a Dell Inspiron 7500.
Any help is much appreciated,
Well, I got the software running, and wrote a tiny little "blink an LED" program, but no dice. When I hit "Run," I get a message saying that there is no Basic Stamp detected. What gives? I mean, I pretty much made my own serial cable...I think. Is there something more to a serial cable then just 9 (in this 4) conductors??
BTW, the Trashtop is a Dell Inspiron 7500.
Any help is much appreciated,
Wrote my first program ever: I got a buzzer to sound a tone. It's basically the same as the Blink-THe-LED program, except I just made the pauses and the on-states both really short. Man, 3:30am and I'm feeling pretty happy. My microcontroller cherry has officially been popped lol.
I hope you bought a LOTO ticket! (your on a lucky streak--laptop find and all)
Welcome to the forums.