Propeller Professional Development Board Question
I recently purchased a PPDB and discovered that it would take 30 pins to use the Sixteen-segment display using Steve Stuart's Propeller Object. I was a little disappointed to find that my PPDB would be practically useless with only 2 remaining pins if used it to display data. I guess I assumed that there would be a co-processor for the display since it is a professional development board.
If I am incorrect in this assumption, please let me know. If not, is there a Parallax co-processor/daughterboard or other solution that will work with the PPDB that only requires a couple of pins to display data?
Thank you
I recently purchased a PPDB and discovered that it would take 30 pins to use the Sixteen-segment display using Steve Stuart's Propeller Object. I was a little disappointed to find that my PPDB would be practically useless with only 2 remaining pins if used it to display data. I guess I assumed that there would be a co-processor for the display since it is a professional development board.
If I am incorrect in this assumption, please let me know. If not, is there a Parallax co-processor/daughterboard or other solution that will work with the PPDB that only requires a couple of pins to display data?
Thank you
Easy to use and only requires a simple connection.
Thanks again.
I also have the PPDB and I am driving the displays (all of them) with only 23 pins?? Not sure how you came up with 30, but 23 covers all the pins on my board necessary to drive them. The scrolling marquee really looks neat..
I forget the object I downloaded from the exchange but it worked without modification.
Mike B.
Exactly Bean, that threw me also when I tried to use that particular object. It could have been described a bit better in the comment section of the object. Bottom line it works with 24 pins..
Mike B.
I like to use shift registers (74HC595) to drive LED displays. Three pins and three chips will control the 24 pins for you.
You can also plug a TV into your board to use as a display.