C3 - Power vs. Programming question
Finally got some time to look into the C3 and one thing has me a bit surprised:
Caution: do not connect to USB and external power at the same time
So, one must unplug the external power every time you want to reload code to the C3 - true????
Caution: do not connect to USB and external power at the same time
So, one must unplug the external power every time you want to reload code to the C3 - true????
I've been wondering about this, too. It seems to me that this is a PITA if you are trying to debug code while testing a device. There is this thread from a couple days ago, but I don't understand what it all means:
What it means to me: Plugging in USB and External power may or may not destroy your C3 and/or PC. Do so at your own risk and if you blow things up, it's on you.
1) It's probably ok to have both connected at the same time - but you are doing so AT YOUR OWN RISK.
2) It's unlikely that you would damage the C3. If anything is damaged, it will be the computer but this is unlikely for a modern computer. It will probably be the USB chipset or interface and not the entire computer (but this is not good if it's on your motherboard or you are using a laptop).
3) Use a hub between your computer and C3 and don't worry about it. This is what I will be doing if I want both connected at the same time. I usually try to do this anyway when playing with exposed circuit boards connected to the PC by USB.
Other topics in that post cover modifications that can be made to the C3 (and may be in a later version ?) to avoid this issue. But, they may create other issues as well.
Our internal engineering discussion is identical to schill's conclusions above. Our primary concern is damaging PC motherboards, not the C3. If you damage the C3 that's okay - we'll replace it for you.
Ken Gracey
THAT was most appreciated answer from Parallax end.
So is everyone in agreement that this is the safe way to do this?
That said, I personally, would use a HUB if you are going to draw a lot of power, and or be hooking things up to power and have shaky hands and might short out the USB power
So -- that's the deal.
Thanks for this Andre. I had mine plugged into both most of the first day before these threads surfaced.. so 1001+ now.
I don't believe that I agree with that statement. It should be a "powered" USB hub to isolate the USB devices from the PC power.