Unleashing the C3 - Book/Manual

And let's not forget, I wrote a whole damn mini book for the C3 called "Unleashing the C3" -- you can get it here:
We didn't print it to save money of course, but just want to make sure everyone knows there is some good documentation and not some mamby pamby 5-10 page datasheet
We didn't print it to save money of course, but just want to make sure everyone knows there is some good documentation and not some mamby pamby 5-10 page datasheet

Overall, it's a very nice writeup. Thanks, Andre.
Great manual though and product.
So the manual is being controlled by pixies (it's pixelated) ? Just an obscure reference to "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town."
In .PDF that depends on pixel resolution used for original PICTURES
If I recall correctly, some PDF creation software also has options to change picture resolution when creating the PDF in order to make the file smaller. I know at least an older version of the Adobe Acrobat application (not reader) had it.
Also, I see dimensions for board outline, but can't find the placement of the prototype header.
What programs use .dsn and .lyt extensions? And what files are they? Obviously I can't use any of them.
That is true for bitmap images not for images in vector format defined mathematically.
OK, obviously they were bitmaps originally.
Anyway, I try to take that approach with everything I do. My rule is if there hasn't been an image or figure in 1-5 pages then there is WAY too much text and you are boring the reader.
Also, don't miss the HYDRA SD-MAX manual on the FTP in the Docs section, its probably the only detailed, lengthy and visual explanation of FAT, SD, SPI, and putting it all together to make a SD card driver.
The 22 μF capacitor starts kicking in at a few kHz, so it filters the high frequency PWM noise nicely, but
allows very low (bass) to mid range audio signals to get through nicely with that 22 μF capacitor.
The 22 uF cap. is a coupling capacitor, and will "start kicking in" at *much* less than a few kHz. Don't you mean C15? That filters the HF noise.