Propeller more threads than basic stamp with this post!

The basic stamp forum as 15909 topics and propeller 15908. I've been waiting two years for the number of propeller threads to finally exceed those of the basic stamp and today it has come! The number of posts has already been greater for some time.
This milestone is significant to me because it is indicative of a move to the newer parallel processing technology from the bread and butter stamp. Way to go Parallax!
This post will make it 15909 for propeller, equalling the basic stamp total.!
This milestone is significant to me because it is indicative of a move to the newer parallel processing technology from the bread and butter stamp. Way to go Parallax!
This post will make it 15909 for propeller, equalling the basic stamp total.!
I hope there will be support and a place for the Stamp for a long time to come it is still a very versatile processor capable of performing many tasks and a great platform for the beginner.
Jeff T.
Remember that the Stamp goes back a long way before this server , before the recent migration, to Yahoo Groups, E-groups, and far back to its earlier roots when there was only the BS1 and BS2. All those uncounted and long forgotten threads!
It took almost 5 years