Good Lord the C3 is small!

Just got a package from UPS containing a C3. (among other things)
This thing is tiny!

Somehow it just felt like it needs to be included with a drummer for a quick roll when the package is opened.
Just being in a static bag just doesn't do this thing justice.
(A drummer in every box would increase the cost a bit.. )
This thing is tiny!
Somehow it just felt like it needs to be included with a drummer for a quick roll when the package is opened.
Just being in a static bag just doesn't do this thing justice.

(A drummer in every box would increase the cost a bit.. )


Some of us remember when a tank circuit of a tuning capacitor and coil might fill up nearly a whole chassis. Or when it took two people to move an oscilloscope.
the size of the C3 is very small, but you could guess that from the photo. The C3 PCB is about twice the size of the VGA connector, so it can't be big
The C3 really was a work of art to get it all mashed in there and routed on TWO layers -- definitely not easy. I hand routed it to make sure it was very "quite", the autorouter turned it into a radio or wifi transmitter, take your pick
Anyway, glad you like it, its literally credit card size, that was the goal "Credit Card Computer" = C3