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Touch Screen for propeller (Nintendo replacement) — Parallax Forums

Touch Screen for propeller (Nintendo replacement)

Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
edited 2011-01-12 22:41 in Propeller 1
I purchased this Touch Screen from eBay for A$3 including shipping. I just thought it was the Touch Screen part but maybe its the LDC too.

Anyway it has a 4 pin connection for the touch section (resistive) and is 70x50mm. I thought when I get time I would interface it to my prop. I am posting here in case anyone has done this already or anyone is interested in doing the same.

Update: It is only the touch panel section. Here is a thread about interfacing it to the Propeller


  • mickalmickal Posts: 75
    edited 2011-01-12 01:05
    Hi Clusso,
    Im feeling some dejavu or something. I bought a nokia LCD and am waiting for a chance to try your code. Just had way to much going on and it will be like that for another week. Its flooding here in Brisbane and I am also looking for a new house to rent.(i was looking at your code for programming a pic in basic, not that i had more than a few weeks experience with that chip)

    In the same order I also got the Nintendo Touch Screen:) Paid $9.95 so u did well! It is just the touch cover . Im new at all this, as in 'wow those connecting pads are small, this is gonna be tricky'

    But when i find a way I thought I would put this over a printed card or something if not an LCD.

    So Ill be very interested. I just got a Prop and USB Prop in the mail a few days ago. Looking forward to future experiments.
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-01-12 02:20
    @mickal, hope you are ok up there in Brisbane. Looks pretty bad on the news reports.

    The screen looks like just the touch screen, not the LCD as well? Looks like it could be a simple A to D to get the signals. I'd be very interested to see what you can do with this.
  • TubularTubular Posts: 4,726
    edited 2011-01-12 02:41
    Have a good look at the AR1010 from Microchip. It connects to 4,5 or 8 wire touch screens and outputs streaming 9600 serial when touched (in 5 byte packets containing the x,y location).

    The factory defaults mean you can use just one prop pin (input stream at 9600), and use a 4 port serial inside of 1 cog to share debugging serial streams etc.

    The AR1020 is similar but talks I2C or SPI (pin selectable). You could save a pin, but probably at the expense of a cog.

    You can get the AR1010 in 3 working days from Singpore, by ordering through the AU Element14. They don't seem to charge freight if ordered online
    Alternatively the AR1020 (i2c/spi) is sometimes in stock locally. I have a few spare of each if you really get stuck.
  • mickalmickal Posts: 75
    edited 2011-01-12 03:03
    im ok but its bad 4 many. not sure if i should be looking to rent a house or raft.

    This looks simpler than even a keypad to operate. But couild you tell me what is mmeant or just how to switch a pin from grd to floating and back ? Is outa[x] := 0 grd ?
    Ive managed to get buttons,keypads,leds,buzzers,uhf chips , eeproms,motors going without knowing this !
  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2011-01-12 06:26
    Switching a pin from ground to floating is simple. Output a 0 (low) to the pin and switch the pin to an output for ground or an input for floating. This makes the pin simulate an open collector output.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2011-01-12 17:33
    I have a quite a few friends in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. So far all are ok although the CBD offices are deserted and one of my friends who lives close to the CBD is without power. Because we are all into boating, he has his inverter so he can run his Tv and computer from the car battery and an extension cord.

    I thought the touch screen was just that, a touch screen. However, I am unsure but anyway I dont have the silicon wire connections and drivers anyway.

    I have seen apps to connect to 4pin and 5pin touch screen sensors so this should be fairly simple. No time at present, but this should be a cheap solution. The connections are fine pitched, however there are larger pads (~0.1"?) near the screen where I am sure I can scrape the mylar to make connections if I cannot use the fine connector.
  • wjsteelewjsteele Posts: 697
    edited 2011-01-12 18:17
    You can use Rayman's 4.3" interface schematics to use that touch panel. The same controller and code he used in his PSB will work just fine for it.

  • TubularTubular Posts: 4,726
    edited 2011-01-12 18:51
    Also Littlebird (Sydney) have 9 of the 4 pin FPC breakouts available from their stock. They also sell just the connector without breakout board.
  • zoopydogsitzoopydogsit Posts: 174
    edited 2011-01-12 22:16
    Raymonds PSB used the TSC2003 touch screen IC, which works very well. You may want to look at his code base for examples.

    Alternatively, if you have the time to play you may be able to do something similar with RCTIME across the X and Y positions. It'd probably be non-linear, but you could map it out.

    As mentioned by Tubular you can get connectors of that pitch from Little Bird (Sparkfun product) or from Element 14 (Farnell).

    BTW. Tomorrow is the Sparkfun freeday - so you might get some for free + delivery (see )
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2011-01-12 22:41
    I was hoping we may be able to use the prop to do this with a few rc's.
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