Sending output instead of comment?
Have a problem with regards to the SEROUT function of my Basic Stamp BS2sx. The problem is that now i am interfacing with a motor driver that controls 2 DC motors and takes in 4 inputs from my stamp. It takes in serial data and in the form of '1''f''4''/r'. The '1' indicates the 1st DC motor, the 'f' indicates the direction of the motor's rotation, the '4' indicates the percentage of the motor's output speed in the range of 0 to 9. The '/r' indicates the end of data.
The problem i have is that whenever i type in the ' key into the editor, it registers the next letters as comments instead of data that i have to send out. Would anyone have a solution to this?
The problem i have is that whenever i type in the ' key into the editor, it registers the next letters as comments instead of data that i have to send out. Would anyone have a solution to this?
I've attached the PDF doc. Fingers crossed that i do have something that is actually compatible with my Basic Stamp.
Wow. It works really well! Thank you Phil!