Plans for C3?
I have a few projects in mind myself, but I was just curious as to what everybody is going to do with the C3? Any specific projects? Anybody working on video games? Just a little something to get the creative juices flowing..
Honestly there is so much real computing goodness in there I could see applications of all sorts being written.
Just a thought.
There was a project along the same lines on the old Hydra forum:
(See the following thread)
Ha! Dang. Sometimes its hard to come up with something that someone else hasnt already done. I had wondered if someone already tried this with the Hydra. Well, still a good way to learn stuffs! Thank you for the thread link
I'd personally love to see that project upgraded to run on the C3 so that it supported all ROMS.
As far as the NES emulator goes, it should be easy to port over to the C3, but don't expect it to ever use more than 16KB games. The 6502 core and graphics rendering elements require the rom data to be in HUB memory.
The three main challenges for an emulator:
1. 32K of HUB RAM which has to include the console/expansion RAM, the game ROM, any SPIN code, and space for inter-cog communications.
2. Emulation of the video generator using the Prop video generator. (How close may depend on the game.)
3. Clock for clock identical behavior and synchronization between emulated components. (Critical for some games/systems, less for others.)
Also, FYI, the Parallax NES adapter fits into the primary 2x16 interface IO header (I made sure it did) and I wrote a driver that makes it work, so any gamepad game will work on the C3 as well -- FYI.
I have plans to make a Jupiter ACE stand alone version for C3. There is already at least one of the forth users working on a standalone editor.
As I intend to develop "shields" for future columns I created a blank shield schematic (just connections and nets) and a blank mini board (outline and connectors placed -- perhaps Andre can confirm that the delta between the ground pin on the analog port and the P0 pin connection is 850mils). I'm just now learning DipTrace so forgive any bonehead errors in the attached files.
WHOOPS... the best way to find errors in one's work is to use one's work. I found that I had incorrectly connected the PSCL pin to the SCLK net. Sorry; fixed files attached.
A "shield" for the Wii Nunchuck would be great!
The Wayne and Layne Game Shield has a connector as part of their pcb.