Joint job BS-1 and BS-2
Posts: 31
Probably Someone at one time applied joint job of two modules?
Ours The programmer man has offered to try joint job BS-1 and BS-2.
He wants to try commands SERIN; SERIN_SEROUT.
DECODER Module - will accept pulses from ECODER. DECODER Module will
define(determine) a direction and to form pulses "+A" for positive
calculation OR pulses " - B " for negative calculation.
BS-2 Will carry out ONLY function of the reversal counter.
On his input Pin13 the positive pulses "+A" will act, and on an input Pin14 the negative pulses "-B" will act. BS-2 should only count up (to accumulate or to subtract) these pulses and to send
result on BS-1.
BS-1 Should accept the information from BS-2. He will prepare this information under a format for LCD and to give her on HD44780.
I shall be very grateful for your remarks.
What I think you are doing is, that you want to send the Encoder information (the counted pulses) that is on one Basic Stamp via serialy using SERIN and SEROUT to another Basic Stamp. Is this what you are trying to do?
We have not enough speed BS-2.
Therefore we want to reduce the task for BS-2.
For this purpose all job we want to divide(share) into three parts.
The first part of job - decoding of signals from ENCODER - we want to charge DECODER Module.
The second part of job - to summarize and to subtract pulses - we want to charge BS-2.
The third part of job - to prepare and to pass the information for LCD 2 x 16 and to give her on HD44780 - we want to charge BS-1.
Certainly it is better to apply to job with industrial ENCODER ROD 426 HEIDENHAN PROPELLER PARALLAX.
When we shall buy PROPELLER PARALLAX - then we shall decide(solve) this task differently.