Problem with the PEK

Yup... I've found a problem with my Propellor Education Kit.
I've found when I've completed one of the exercises, I don't want to tear it apart to start a new one! ;-) Drat!
I've found when I've completed one of the exercises, I don't want to tear it apart to start a new one! ;-) Drat!

"The urge to destroy is also a creative urge."
— Pablo Picasso
To your old circuit apply what Picasso said... um, except sorta flip it around and start with the next one.
Yeah... thanks Mike. Um... how many exercises are there?
Of course, it costs our staff much less to get another board or chip from inventory than it costs for you to buy one. For this reason I encourage them to keep their boards assembled and get another one from inventory. I certainly appreciate what you're feeling, ajward!
Drop in a resistor and tie in a little ipod amplifier for some Propeller sound.
Place three resistors with an RCA connection and do some Propeller video.
The video idea is something I will get around to at some point. I have a small, portable LCD TV that would be perfect to play... er, experiment with!