Coming Soon - Infrared Line Follower for the Boe-Bot & Stingray!
Hello Forum Faithful!
Just wanted to pop in quick today to let you know of a cool new product (potentially, if you should choose) coming soon to a robot near you!
The Infrared Line Follower Kit from Parallax provides eight infrared emitter and receiver pairs for high-precision line-following applications. Mounting hardware for both the Boe-Bot and Stingray are also included for easy startup.
All IR frequency generation is done onboard using an ICM7555 chip, requiring no external signaling. This allows for simple interfacing to the Infrared Line Follower, since the user only needs to read the state of each IR receiver to detect white or black surfaces. An “Enable” pin is also included which when pulled low puts the Infrared Line Follower into low-power mode.
The sensor also includes an onboard potentiometer to adjust the frequency from 38-43 kHz, allowing for easy adaptation to different lighting conditions, mounting height, or temperature changes.
The product is currently being kitted and the documentation is being reviewed by our Tech Support Staff. Expect to see it for sale very soon! Until then, attached are some pictures from the documentation of the sensor being mounted to a Boe-Bot & Stingray.
Just wanted to pop in quick today to let you know of a cool new product (potentially, if you should choose) coming soon to a robot near you!
The Infrared Line Follower Kit from Parallax provides eight infrared emitter and receiver pairs for high-precision line-following applications. Mounting hardware for both the Boe-Bot and Stingray are also included for easy startup.
All IR frequency generation is done onboard using an ICM7555 chip, requiring no external signaling. This allows for simple interfacing to the Infrared Line Follower, since the user only needs to read the state of each IR receiver to detect white or black surfaces. An “Enable” pin is also included which when pulled low puts the Infrared Line Follower into low-power mode.
The sensor also includes an onboard potentiometer to adjust the frequency from 38-43 kHz, allowing for easy adaptation to different lighting conditions, mounting height, or temperature changes.
The product is currently being kitted and the documentation is being reviewed by our Tech Support Staff. Expect to see it for sale very soon! Until then, attached are some pictures from the documentation of the sensor being mounted to a Boe-Bot & Stingray.
