Ben heck plugs prop on his show :)
Also pic of Jeri Ellsworth used as target practice, tsk tsk Ben!.
Also pic of Jeri Ellsworth used as target practice, tsk tsk Ben!.
Thanks for posting that! I'd never seen his show before, but it's well-produced and quite entertaining. 'Great to see the Prop getting such nice coverage!
Element14 is the silly name for a Farnell customer community, BTW. Farnell sells Arduinos and Propeller chips, amongst lots of other stuff.
I suspect it's all in fun.
I just got done watching the whole thing. While Ben promoting his sponsors Ardunio board, he actually used the Propeller to do all the work.
Then when I saw this video...and he started with Arduino I was like OMG, but still watching...then he busts out the propeller!! Ha Ha. Oh Yeah, 1 SD Card for Music...1 SD Card for Sound Effects.
It was so funny when he had the PropTool open..full of code, and he open's up some tiny blank window.. "And this is for the Arduino...umm....<Click and Close>...ok Back to the Propeller.." LOL