Any commercial users of Propeller chips in Australia?

I know there are quite a few hobbyist propeller users here in Australia, but are there any companies either currently using, or contemplating using a propeller chip as part of a commercial product developed down under?
If so, please post a response in this thread (or you can send me a PM or email if you would prefer to keep your company or product details confidential).
I know there are quite a few hobbyist propeller users here in Australia, but are there any companies either currently using, or contemplating using a propeller chip as part of a commercial product developed down under?
If so, please post a response in this thread (or you can send me a PM or email if you would prefer to keep your company or product details confidential).
Hi Peter,
Maybe you could turn some of your propellers into pumps to help keep the water level down
Thanks for responding - you sound very prolific! Someone else passed me a link to your website, which I intend to have a close look at. I have also had a couple of private responses from various people/companies using or intending to use Propellers, but some obviously don't want public exposure at this stage of their development.
I hope the flooding is not too severe.
We have been selling propeller based products for a few years now!
Last year ( dec 2010) we sold a load of product about 40K worth!) Only some of these products used prop chips, but the rest will be designed with prop chips in them this year. I plan to use a lot more this year!
I can't reveal any pics ( I have too many "spies" in my industry)
We have only this/last year (2010) been using the SMT version, so I too am only buying in flat packs form Ron Nollet, as they are all professionally loaded by a company here in sydney.
PS, Message to Pete, Did you get flooded where you live?
Dave M
Thanks for responding! I've sent you a PM.