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Weird COG issues - is it stack space? — Parallax Forums

Weird COG issues - is it stack space?

homosapienhomosapien Posts: 147
edited 2011-01-10 09:07 in Propeller 1
I have been writing small ASM programs that use one cog, that I start from SPIN with a COGNEW command. Tonight I edited one of these ASM programs and it started acting all weird - if I deleted even one unused variable assignment (such as "LED res 1") the cog that was running the ASM program would not start. Then I noticed that even small changes in the SPIN methods of the calling programs would crash the cogs (in the code below, if I change the letter 'e' in the tile table, the cog will not start???????).

I am not allocating stack space - I only have the simple SPIN starting program and the rather short ASM program. Do I need to allocate stack space? Is there a primer on calculating and doing this that some one can point me to?

Attached is the SPIN code that partially fills a tile map and starts a display driver, but practically any small (trivial) edit to the program makes it not work.

Thanks -h
  _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x                                 
  _xinfreq = 5_000_000

  cols = 40
  rows = 15

  screensize = cols * rows


  long  tiles[screensize]      'var to hold longs of tile map.  Each long will point to the start of char in ROM
PUB start

    cognew(@LCDgen,  @tiles)     'this passes the ADDRESS of tiles[0]
PUB out(c, x)
'puts ascii code for character at pointer position in LCD tileMap

    tiles[x] := c

PUB  fillMap | i
'Fills first line of tile map.  CHANGING THE 'e' TO ANY OTHER LETTER CRASHES PROGRAM???????????????  
      out(" ",3)
      out(" ",7)
      out(" ",8)    
      out(" ",9)
      out(" ",10)
      out(" ",11)
      out(" ",12)
      out(" ",13)
      out(" ",14)    
      out(" ",15)
      out(" ",16)
      out(" ",17)
      out(" ",18)
      out(" ",19)
      out(" ",20)     
      repeat i from 21 to 39
        out(" ", i)


        org   0              

LCDgen        mov   dira,  _outPins           'make outputs
              movd  vcfg,  #%000000_000       'pins 7..0 for video output
              movs  vcfg,  #%0_0101_0101    'mask to be used for video output - CLK pins blocked
              movi  vcfg,  #%0_01_1_0_0_000   'VCFG set to 8-bit, 4-color).  
              mov  VSCLset,  _VSCLset
              mov  vscl,  VSCLset          'mov timing of video output to vscl register


  • mparkmpark Posts: 1,305
    edited 2011-01-09 22:50
    Is that your entire program? It seems to end prematurely.
  • MagIO2MagIO2 Posts: 2,243
    edited 2011-01-09 23:37
    You should post the whole code. There is no problem with the code we see so far.

    You don't have a stack-problem. The first COG which runs after booting simply uses the whole free HUB-RAM as stack-space. PASM COGs don't even have a stack. So, the problem must be in the PASM code that you're hiding.
  • homosapienhomosapien Posts: 147
    edited 2011-01-10 07:04
    I have modified the SPIN cog-starting code to make sure that somehow multiple cogs were not getting started, I also eliminated some code that was not being utilized in this test program. In addition, I put code in to have each active cog (there are only 2) to blink an LED to show it is running.

    The weirdness continues - the attached code runs as expected; the ASM code running in its own cog is putting a test pattern on the LCD I am driving and flashing an LED at the frame rate, the spin code is simply flashing another LED (after starting the cog with ASM).

    However, if I include the "x := 1" line in the 'main' function (commented out in the attached code), weird things happen - the timing of the LCD signals goes all screwy (eg, frame pulse instead of a 50ns pulse every 14ms becomes a square wave pulse with a period of 15ms) but both LEDs do continue to flash showing that both cogs (ASM and SPIN) are still running.

    It is as if the SPIN cog is somehow altering the ASM cog, overwriting some common memory but I do not see how.

    thanks in advance for any suggestions, code attached. -h

      _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x                                 
      _xinfreq = 5_000_000
      byte  cog
    PUB main   | x
        dira[27]  := 1
        'x  := 1
          outa[27]  := !outa[27]
          waitcnt(clkfreq/4 + cnt)
    PUB start : Pass
        stop                                                  'stops cog if already started
        Pass := (cog := cognew(@LCDgen, 0) + 1) > 0     'this passes the ADDRESS of tiles[0]
    PUB stop
        if cog
          cogstop(cog~ - 1)
            org   0              
    LCDgen        mov   dira,  _outPins           'make outputs
                  movd      vcfg,  #%000000_000       'pins 7..0 for video output
                  movs      vcfg,  #%0_0101_0101    'mask to be used for video output - CLK pins blocked
                  movi      vcfg,  #%0_01_1_0_0_000   'VCFG set to 8-bit, 4-color).  
                  mov       VSCLset,  _VSCLset
                  mov       vscl,  VSCLset          'mov timing of video output to vscl register
                  movi      ctra,  #%000010_010     'config counterA PLL - divisor of 32
                  movs      ctra,   #1              'output PLL on p1
                  mov       FREQa,  _FREQa          'load freq register (but not FRQa yet)
                  mov       LEDmask,  _LEDmask            'load masks....
                  mov       flipAllmask, _flipAllmask 
                  mov       FCLmask,  _FCLmask
                  mov       FCLoffMask,  _FCLoffMask
                  mov       YCLmask,  _YCLmask
                  mov       LSBmask,  #1
                  mov       flipAllmask,  _flipAllmask
                  mov       blank,  _blank
                  mov       testCLR,  _testCLR
                  mov       test1,  _test1
                  mov       pixels,  _pixels         'load with 0,1,2,3....
                  or        outa, LEDmask               'turn on LED
    newFrame      xor       outa,   LEDmask      
                  or        outa,  FCLmask            'turn on FCL - rising edge indicates frame start              
                  mov       tB,  #120                  'Scanline count
                  mov       tA,  #40                  '40 chars/scanline
                  mov       colors, test1 
                  mov       frqa,   FREQa           'set frequency of CTRa and start running                    
                  waitvid   colors, pixels        'Start the data output.... While it's doing that get next char scanline        
                    djnz    tA,  #charOut              
                  waitvid   colors,  testCLR          'dummy waidvid to allow data output to finish b4 flashing clks
                  mov       frqa,   #0           'stop CTRa   
                  or        outa, YCLmask                  'turn on YCL
                  and       outa, YCLoffMask               'turn off YCL
                  and       outa,  FCLoffMask              'turn off FCL 
                      djnz  tB, #scanLine
                  jmp       #newFrame
    _test1                  long      $51_51_51_55  'thinLines                         
    _testCLR                long      $FF_FF_FF_FF   'test pattern to produce clear screen             
    _blank                  long      0   
    _pixels                 long      %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1110_0100    '0,1,2,3 from right, rest are 'don't care'
    _outpins                long      %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111   'data active, data and clk's - XCL by other COG
    _activeMask             long      %1000_0000_1000_0000_1000_0000_1000_0000   'signal to denote data is being output
    _VSCLset                long      %0000_0001_____0000_0000_0100              '1clk/pixel 4clks/frame (4 'colors' to send)
    _YCLmask                long      %0000_1000
    _YCLoffMask             long      $FF_FF_FF_F7   
    _FCLmask                long      %0010_0000
    _FCLoffMask             long      $FF_FF_FF_DF 
    _FREQa                  long      $1000_0000       'PLL freq = 16*(80MHz x $1000_0000)/2^32 = 80MHz
    _ROMoffset              long      $8000            'offset needed to reach tile map in ROM
    _flipAllmask            long      $FF_FF_FF_FF    'mask to flip all bits using XOR
    _LEDmask                long      %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1000_0000
    _delay                  long      80_000_000
    tA            res       1
    tB            res       1
    pixels        res       1
    colors        res       1
    VSCLset       res       1
    FREQa         res       1
    activeMask    res       1
    Ascii         res       1       'var to hold tile Ascii value -> gets converted to tilemap address in ROM
    TMpointer     res       1          'pointer to Ascii tile map
    time          res       1
    delay         res       1
    flipAllmask   res       1'
    FCLmask       res       1
    YCLmask       res       1
    YCLoffMask    res       1
    FCLoffMask    res       1
    LSBmask       res       1
    LEDmask       res       1
    startAddrOff  res       1       'offset from start address of char tile map in ROM
    blank         res       1
    testCLR       res       1
    tScanline     res       1
    test1         res       1
  • Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
    edited 2011-01-10 08:04
    It appears that you're not initializing YCLoffMask. It's a reserved variable, so it will contain data copied from the hub RAM, which is probably in the area of your Spin code. That's why it acts differently when you change the Spin code.
  • homosapienhomosapien Posts: 147
    edited 2011-01-10 09:07
    That was it. I'll add "initialize ALL vars" to my very long list of mistakes to try to avoid repeating....

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