Electronic Components Supplier
Posts: 5
Hello everyone.
I have noticed a couple of discussions on this site regarding solutions for shortaged parts and I would like to introduce myself to this forum.
My name is Tim Savoy, I am in the USA, north of Boston. I have been in the electronic components supply industry since 1997. Along with my own inventory, I can also assist you with sourcing parts from around the globe. Take advantage of my many years of experience and knowledged gained such as which companies to stay away from, and which guys list parts but really do not have them.
I can be an extension of your purchasing department. My company is Alternate E Components
I have a free part search feature on my site that is tied into the global database of authorized stock as well and independant disti stocks.
www.checkstox.com click on SEARCH FOR PARTS on top bar
or you can email me directly with the parts you need tim (at) checkstox (dot) com
I have noticed a couple of discussions on this site regarding solutions for shortaged parts and I would like to introduce myself to this forum.
My name is Tim Savoy, I am in the USA, north of Boston. I have been in the electronic components supply industry since 1997. Along with my own inventory, I can also assist you with sourcing parts from around the globe. Take advantage of my many years of experience and knowledged gained such as which companies to stay away from, and which guys list parts but really do not have them.
I can be an extension of your purchasing department. My company is Alternate E Components
I have a free part search feature on my site that is tied into the global database of authorized stock as well and independant disti stocks.
www.checkstox.com click on SEARCH FOR PARTS on top bar
or you can email me directly with the parts you need tim (at) checkstox (dot) com
I notice that you've posted essentially the same message in three different places. I know you're just trying to make a living by satisfying a perceived need in this time of component shortages; but cross-posting is against forum policy, and the overtly commercial nature of your message could easily be deemed by the moderators as spam. If you scan the forum pages for the kind of posts we encourage, you'll see what I mean.
Thanks for your understanding,