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Propeller Bot Help — Parallax Forums

Propeller Bot Help

tavedroidtavedroid Posts: 2
edited 2011-01-08 20:46 in Propeller 1
I'm a newbee and I have looked through OBEX for some example code, but I am unable to put 2 and 2 together. I have a functional Prop Bot that has two Ping sensors. I want to add a sensor to detect an edge of a table or a drop off area. I was told that a IR Transmitter and Receiver has this capablity. I'm looking for some example code and schematics that will show me how to do this. I am learning Spin code, so I am trying to find an example in Spin. Can someone post a Spin example and schematics of how I could do this with a Propeller Chip. Thanks.


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2011-01-08 20:46
    Look at BoeBotBasic. There's a routine in it for a PING (lines 517 to 522 and 1480 to 1495) and for an IR distance sensor (lines 496 to 516 and 1497 to 1515). The PING routine could be easily modified to work with two PINGs.
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