wall mount transformer question
I am using a MW,,(meanwell) brand transformer,class2. It is 120 to 12volt ( with a selector switch, for 6 and 5 and 3 volt output.
Its regulated. My question is,,what is that piece of metal core at the end of the output wire(?
What is its purpose,and why does the transformer burn out if removed?
Is there a safe way to remove it,so i can use crimp connectors. Ie the wire has some sort of shield,,does this need to be connected to one of the wires? Thanks
I looked inside the piece and all that happens is the output ( or secondary ) just passes through this piece of round metal. It must be a inductive device for either over current,,or ??
Its regulated. My question is,,what is that piece of metal core at the end of the output wire(?
What is its purpose,and why does the transformer burn out if removed?
Is there a safe way to remove it,so i can use crimp connectors. Ie the wire has some sort of shield,,does this need to be connected to one of the wires? Thanks
I looked inside the piece and all that happens is the output ( or secondary ) just passes through this piece of round metal. It must be a inductive device for either over current,,or ??
But you might consider an alternative wallwart without adjustible voltages if this is a fixed installation. The last thing you ever want to have happen is to accidentally feed your project too high a voltage.
Since you mention 'wall mount transformer', one might guess that the loop you mention is intended to ground the unit properly.