Savage Circuits Friday Chat #7 begins today 1/7/2011 @ 6:30PM PST

Savage Circuits Friday Chat #7
The Savage Circuits Friday Chat is an event where the members of Savage Circuits Forums login at a specified time and talk via IRC. This event occurs every 1st and 3rd Friday of each month and is posted to the Savage Circuits site calendar. All discussion will be logged for those who miss the chat events. We will post the logs on the site some time after the event.

Date: January 7th, 2011
Time: 6:30PM (PDT), 7:30PM (MDT), 8:30PM (CDT), 9:30PM (EDT)
Topic: Open
Special Guest: N/A
There is no defined topic for this chat. If anyone has any ideas or topics of interest they would like to share, please reply to this thread with ideas.
IRC info:
You can connect to our IRC channel via the web client by clicking here.
If you have an IRC client, then join the channel #SavageCircuits on the server (port 6667).
Forum member eod_punk has created a thread here with information about using the xchat client to connect to our channel.
The Savage Circuits Friday Chat is an event where the members of Savage Circuits Forums login at a specified time and talk via IRC. This event occurs every 1st and 3rd Friday of each month and is posted to the Savage Circuits site calendar. All discussion will be logged for those who miss the chat events. We will post the logs on the site some time after the event.

Date: January 7th, 2011
Time: 6:30PM (PDT), 7:30PM (MDT), 8:30PM (CDT), 9:30PM (EDT)
Topic: Open
Special Guest: N/A
There is no defined topic for this chat. If anyone has any ideas or topics of interest they would like to share, please reply to this thread with ideas.
IRC info:
You can connect to our IRC channel via the web client by clicking here.
If you have an IRC client, then join the channel #SavageCircuits on the server (port 6667).
Forum member eod_punk has created a thread here with information about using the xchat client to connect to our channel.