What does "Mark Forums Read" actually clear?

I'm in the habit of clicking "What's New?" right before clicking "Mark Forums Read" in case the latter clears all posts, not just the ones that are visible under "What's New?" But is this necessary? Or does "Mark Forums Read" only clear the ones I've had a chance to view?
'Mark Forums Read' triggers the crumbly-tasty-cookie and makes it seem as if your account has entered the postview for each forum, and as such it clears all the forums you have view-access to without actually adding +1 to the views for a specific thread.
So you don't need to view the threads before clearing them, the 'Mark Forums Read' is an automatic double-click on every thread icon.
What this boils down to is this: I've gotten into the habit of clicking "What's New?" again right before clicking "Mark Forums Read" to see if anything brand new has occurred. But I don't know if that extra step is really necessary.
The js action for 'Mark Forums Read' doesn't take into account what you're able to view on the 'What's New?' tab, so it clears all forums regardless of their visibilty to the server-driven 'What's New?' page.
So in an example: You're viewing the 'What's New?' and the server hadn't indexed a post I sent up about "Awesome Cool Stuff just for PhiPi", but you just clicked the 'Mark Forums Read' link and it cleared all of the new posts; as a result you never see my "Awesome Stuff" post and I become terribly sad, and then maybe I give the awesome stuff to someone else
I'm also using this post to test if the 'Recent Posts' function acts similarly, because we're looking into changing some of the features for a better automatic response on new posts... so checking...
... and yeah it relies on the index too, hmmm; wait no, it works correctly. This has filled me with happiness!