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Need help with Prop. Video Generator Unit (VGU) — Parallax Forums

Need help with Prop. Video Generator Unit (VGU)

homosapienhomosapien Posts: 147
edited 2011-01-06 18:15 in Propeller 1
Hi Folks,

New Prop user here, scored a Prop. Professional Dev. board for x-mass. Have tried a few programs and all works very slick. I started playing around with the Video Generator/serializer, and have a few questions about its operation (timing actually). I understand that before using it you must:

1) configure the video pins you want to use as outputs
2) configure the VCFC register
3) configure the VSCL reister
4) configure PLLA (which is the independent clk. source for the VGU)

I have done all this, loaded the WaitVid instruction with dummy data to toggle output (colors = $FF_FF_FF_00, pixels= $55_55_55_55) and looked (with O'scope) see if the output pins were toggling at my (expected) predetermined rate.

Well, it is toggling, and does change frequency when I change parameters, but not at the rate I expect. I set VCFC = 2-color mode; VSCL = 1 clk/pixel, 32clk/frame; FRQA = 80Mhz; and CTRA = video mode, VCO/4. From this I would expect to see a square wave output from any of the video output pins at 80Mhz/4 = 20Mhz but instead see a squarewave at ~3Mhz.

Can anyone shed any light on this? Code attached below.

thnx, -h


        org   0              

LCDgen        mov   dira,  outPins           'make outputs

              movi  vcfg,  #%0_01_0_0_0_000   'VCFG set to 8-bit, 2-color).               
              movd  vcfg,  #%000000_000       'pins 7..0 for video output
              movs  vcfg,  #%0_0101_0111    'mask to be used for video output -
              mov  VSCLset,  _VSCLset
              mov  vscl,  VSCLset          'mov timing of video output to vscl register

              mov   FREQa,  _FREQa
              mov   frqa,  FREQa              'set frequency of CTRA
              movi  ctra,  #%000001_101     'start counterA in video mode
              mov  pixels,  _pixels  '
              mov  colors,  _colors

:loop         waitvid  colors, pixels  
                jmp  #:loop              

_pixels        long      %0101_0101_0101_0101_0101_0101_0101_0101    '0,1,0,1,0,1 etc          
_colors        long      %1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_0000_0000   ' 0=0's,  1=1's

outpins        long      %0000_1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111   
_VSCLset       long      %0000_0001_____0000_0010_0000              '
_FREQa         long      80_000_000  

pixels        res       1
colors        res       1
VSCLset       res       1
FREQa         res       1


  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2011-01-06 08:42
    Well, I normally get PLLA configured right away. It takes time to settle.

    Also, how did you calculate the frequency? You need to put in a value that when accumulated at speed = equals your desired frequency.

    Try (desired_frequency / clockspeed) << 32

    Basically, the counter will be incrementing each clock cycle. You want the period of those increments to roll over the 32 bit counter register at your desired frequency.

    The more ones you have in that value, the more "jitter" you will have in the output. It's not a bad idea to round to closest value, keeping the number of "1" digits to a minimum, because of that.
  • ericballericball Posts: 774
    edited 2011-01-06 08:48
    I'm fairly certain your problem is with the counter configuration. You have FRQA = 80M which yeilds an output frequency (at 80MHz) of 80M / 2^32 * 80MHz = 1.49MHz, which is outside the PLL's 4-8MHz capture range (for a x16 VCO output of 64-128MHz). For a 80MHz VCO you need a 5MHz input so FRQA = 2^32 * 5MHz / 80MHz = 268,435,456 = $1000_0000.

    Also, the PLLDIV of /4 will give you a pixel clock of 20MHz and therefore a 10MHz square wave.
  • homosapienhomosapien Posts: 147
    edited 2011-01-06 11:45
    Thanks for the insight, this is helping a lot. I now understand that the counter PLL's still run off the system clock the counter output (in this mode) mirrors PHS bit 31 .

    So I added to my code, and am now also activating the second counter (CTRb) as a NCO single-ended, using the same timing parameters as the VGU. I put in $1000_0000 for both FRQa/b, and the output from CTRb (pin0) is as expected, 5MHz (per the formula PHS[31] freq. = clkfreq*FRQregister/2^32)

    However, the output from the VGU is (with divider set to 1/4) 10MHz as Eric says. I would have expected 5MHz/4 =1.25MHz. I know I am being somewhat obtuse here, but what am I missing? New code (adding CTRb) shown below.

    Thanks again,


            org   0              
    LCDgen        mov   dira,  outPins           'make outputs
                  movi  vcfg,  #%0_01_0_0_0_000   'VCFG set to 8-bit, 2-color).               
                  movd  vcfg,  #%000000_000       'pins 7..0 for video output
                  movs  vcfg,  #%0_0101_0010    'mask to be used for video output -
                  mov  VSCLset,  _VSCLset
                  mov  vscl,  VSCLset          'mov timing of video output to vscl register
                  mov   FREQa,  _FREQa
                  mov   frqa,  FREQa             'set frequency of CTRA
                  movi  ctra,  #%000001_101     'config counterA in video mode-divisor of ...4
                  mov  FREQb, _FREQb
                  mov  frqb,  FREQb             'set frequency of CTRb
                  movs ctrb, 0_0000_0001        'set output pin from ctrb - p0
                  movi ctrb, #%00100_111        'config CTRb NCO-single ended, div of 1
                  mov  pixels,  _pixels  '
                  mov  colors,  _colors
    :loop         waitvid  colors, pixels  
                    jmp  #:loop              
    _pixels        long      %0101_0101_0101_0101_0101_0101_0101_0101    '0,1,0,1,0,1 etc          
    _colors        long      %1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_0000_0000   ' 0=0's,  1=1's
    outpins        long      %0000_1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111   '
    _VSCLset       long      %0000_0001_____0000_0010_0000              '
    _FREQa         long      $1000_0000  
    _FREQb         long      $1000_0000
    pixels        res       1
    colors        res       1
    VSCLset       res       1
    FREQa         res       1
    FREQb         res       1
  • ericballericball Posts: 774
    edited 2011-01-06 12:20
    homosapien wrote: »
    However, the output from the VGU is (with divider set to 1/4) 10MHz as Eric says. I would have expected 5MHz/4 =1.25MHz.

    The PLL takes the output of PHS[31] then multiplies this frequency by 16 which is then divided down by PLLDIV. This is all explained in "PLL modes of operation" in Application Note 001 Propeller Counters. The place which I usually get confused in with PLLDIV. Just remember the divide is to the VCO output which is 16x the input frequency (which must be between 4 & 8 MHz). So the output frequency is 16x - 1/8 the input frequency.
  • homosapienhomosapien Posts: 147
    edited 2011-01-06 18:15
    OK, I found and read the App. Note 001 and this all makes a lot more sense. I will need some time to run some test code and hardware setups, but I think I have a handle on this now.

    Thanks for your help and pointing me in the right direction.

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