A few pointers concerning pointer please

Hello Everyone
I have been having a bit of an ordeal since the wee hours of the morning. I had a piece of code that I was working on and trying to implement a few suggestions that were made to me. However, the code has changed a little since the suggestions were made and now it is more difficult to implement.
My problem as the title suggests, relates to pointers. Please keep in mind that this code was working before making the lastest changes.
If you look at the code below, you will find CogDriveStepPin being called from the Main fuction. This call is passing several parameters, but there are different situations, which are:
Any help that you may provide will be greatly appreciated
I have been having a bit of an ordeal since the wee hours of the morning. I had a piece of code that I was working on and trying to implement a few suggestions that were made to me. However, the code has changed a little since the suggestions were made and now it is more difficult to implement.
My problem as the title suggests, relates to pointers. Please keep in mind that this code was working before making the lastest changes.
If you look at the code below, you will find CogDriveStepPin being called from the Main fuction. This call is passing several parameters, but there are different situations, which are:
- Several parameters remain within the called method.
- Several parameters pass right on through to another method. COGNEW(DriveStepPin......
- One parameter is periodically modified, but a pointer to this parameter is passed to another method. Can you please point out the pointer mistakes. COGNEW(DriveStepPin.....
{ This code is based upon a sample given by MagIO2, and with the assistance of JonnyMac. I thank them both of them, with my utmost appreciation. } CON _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X _XINFREQ = 5_000_000 STEP_PULSE_PIN_1 = 3 VAR LONG StepPulseWidth1 LONG CycleOffset1 LONG DriveStack1[10] PUB Main StepPulseWidth1 := CLKFREQ / 500_000 CycleOffset1 := 0 CogDriveStepPin(@DriveStack1, CycleOffset1, STEP_PULSE_PIN_1, StepPulseWidth1, 100_000, 8_000, 2_000, 10) PUB CogDriveStepPin(DriveStack, CycleOffset, StepPulsePin, StepPulseWidth,{ } Steps, StartingSpeed, RunningSpeed, RampMultiplier) | { } StepRemainders, DefaultMaxSpeed, DefaultWaitTime DefaultWaitTime := 4_000 DefaultMaxSpeed := 2_000 CycleOffset := StartingSpeed StepRemainders := Steps - (((StartingSpeed - RunningSpeed) / RampMultiplier) * 2) COGNEW(DriveStepPin(StepPulsePin, @CycleOffset, @StepPulseWidth), @DriveStack) ' wait for a while until the stepper COG is loaded and initialized WAITCNT(CLKFREQ / 100_000 + cnt ) StepPulseWidth := -StepPulseWidth 'Ramp Up REPEAT CycleOffset FROM StartingSpeed TO RunningSpeed STEP RampMultiplier WAITCNT(DefaultWaitTime + CNT) 'Maintain High Speed REPEAT StepRemainders WAITCNT(DefaultWaitTime + CNT) 'Ramp Down REPEAT CycleOffset FROM RunningSpeed TO StartingSpeed STEP RampMultiplier WAITCNT(DefaultWaitTime + CNT) 'Switch off pulse StepPulseWidth := 0 PUB DriveStepPin(StepPulsePin, CycleOffsetPntr, StepPulseWidthPntr) | Counter ' Configure Counter A to NCO CTRA[30..26] := %00100 CTRA[5..0] := StepPulsePin FRQA := 1 DIRA[StepPulsePin]~~ Counter := CNT repeat PHSA := LONG[StepPulseWidthPntr] WAITCNT(Counter += LONG[CycleOffsetPntr])
Any help that you may provide will be greatly appreciated
COGNEW(DriveStepPin(StepPulsePin, @CycleOffset, @StepPulseWidth), @DriveStack)
The call above this has already put the stack address into DriveStack so you just need to pass this value along. What you're passing here is the address of the local parameter, not the value in it.
Another comment: If you call the CogDriveStepPin() method more than once you're going to be using another cog. You might want to do this:
I knew it was something simple, been trying to find it since 1:00 AM. I tried EVERYTHING but that. Before this project is finished, I will owe you two vacations.
Thanks Again Jon
The program you posted ends right after CogDriveStepPin so you won't see anything unexpected, but if you do more stuff after CogDriveStepPin, who knows what DriveStepPin will do.