HB-25 Motor Driver: we need your help finding ST Micro VNH2SP30TR-E parts

Hello friends and customers,
Many times the Parallax community has made the offer to assist us - this time we really need your help! Our HB-25 is on backorder to the tune of 263 units (and climbing) and we have no ST Micro VNH2SP30TR-E motor driver chips. The delays from our known suppliers have increased, and our production line is down. The impact on our customers is tremendous. We're considering a re-design but this couldn't be a worse time to undertake that process. The tooling and setup around the HB-25 is significant - all of our resources are spread among Propeller 2, Prop BOE, WiFi, Spinneret, C3, Boe-Bots, Stamps in Class books, XBee Starter Kits, etc..
Can you help us find a few thousand of these chips? We will be most appreciative and thankful if somebody can point us to these chips. The obvious places are out of stock.
If you'd like to make alternate suggestions to us, we welcome them too.
I'll check back this afternoon once this thread has baked for a bit.
Thanks ahead of time!
Ken Gracey
Many times the Parallax community has made the offer to assist us - this time we really need your help! Our HB-25 is on backorder to the tune of 263 units (and climbing) and we have no ST Micro VNH2SP30TR-E motor driver chips. The delays from our known suppliers have increased, and our production line is down. The impact on our customers is tremendous. We're considering a re-design but this couldn't be a worse time to undertake that process. The tooling and setup around the HB-25 is significant - all of our resources are spread among Propeller 2, Prop BOE, WiFi, Spinneret, C3, Boe-Bots, Stamps in Class books, XBee Starter Kits, etc..
Can you help us find a few thousand of these chips? We will be most appreciative and thankful if somebody can point us to these chips. The obvious places are out of stock.
If you'd like to make alternate suggestions to us, we welcome them too.
I'll check back this afternoon once this thread has baked for a bit.
Thanks ahead of time!
Ken Gracey
They don't have the 19,000 units they claim to have on their web site. Instead, they have 24 units in stock.
Hate to ask for help and pollute our forums with this kind of daily dribble that our Buyers have to deal with on a regular basis.
Any more leads are appreciated (thanks Paul Sr.)!
Perhaps your office in Asia could check it out.
I also recall seeing pictures of fake electrolytic caps with smaller caps just mounted inside a larger can.
Although some of those may be fakes perhaps one of them is legit and may work out.
Thanks Robert - I've got our Hong Kong and Chinese staff looking into these leads. Many of these suppliers are really brokers, and they often don't hold any inventory. But we are certain to find out if the supply really exists so our staff will start making calls when they get to work (in four hours). Will report back.
@Leon: agreed. That's another solution and we'll consider a redesign immediately. . .
and also this seller at Aliexpress has +1000
Sierra IC Inc has a quantity of 4794 unit
This is a learning lesson for everybody about brokers. Brokers have web sites that show inventory, but they have none. Almost universally true, also.
And buying from Asian brokers is even worse. Counterfeit problems are rampant and making a transaction is also very risky due to lack of recourse.
In the end, it looks like we're stuck with our March delivery from Future, which appears to be the best in the industry for this part, at this time.
If you have any more links, please send them over. We'll follow through on each and every one no matter what the likelihood is of finding components.
Thanks for the help so far. It's truly appreciated.
Ken Gracey
Though - in a quick search, I haven't found any...
My name is Tim Savoy with Alternate E Components. I have been in the electronic component disti industry since 1997. I have access to the global independant disti inventory network and would be glad to check on this part for you. Please let me know if you truly do still have the need.
I do carry my own inventory as well. I invite you to bookmark my website. It has a free part search feature which is tied into one of the largest inventory database, listing stock around the globe.
Simply click on SEARCH FOR PART at top of the page, put the part # in, and select RFQ and put the details in and I will confirm the stock and send you a quote!
It shows 1000 available if you type in the part number minus the ST Micro bit
Might be ok?
We still have not found any of these chips. If you have them, please contact our buyer Karen A. with the supply quantity, price, location, and shipping terms. As a broker we also request a photo of the actual stock before payment and shipment. Contact me offline at kgracey@parallax.com for her contact information.
Ken Gracey
Shows that Integrity Components Corp. (Nevada) have 20k units.
integrityic.com website seems down. maybe just a broker, not sure. Or scammers
One of our partners in Hong Kong appears to have located 1,000 of these parts. Orders have been placed and we are in the process of verifying authenticity and receipt of the order. As this partner has extensive manufacturing experience with Parallax we'll know that the case is closed by tomorrow.
Therefore, at this point I think we can hold off on further searches. I will confirm when our Purchasing Manager indicates "case closed".
Thank you to everybody for the leads. In summary none of the broker leads came through, but we'll be glad to try them again in the future.
Ken Gracey