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Fun with VGA graphics in C

Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
edited 2010-12-31 18:50 in Propeller 1
I've managed to port Kye's VGA driver into C.

Video drivers use a lot of memory, and with 19200 bytes needed for a 160x120 display there isn't much room left for code in Spin. One solution is to use Catalina and shift the code into external memory. This frees up over 30k of hub space that can be used for all sorts of things including video and intercog communications, and also means there is up to 512k of code space. It will run on boards that can run Catalina in external memory, including the Dracblade (see website link at the bottom of this page).

This is hopefully the first of many translations of Obex code into C.

First the code boots up into Catalina in text mode with a white on blue text screen. This is very useful for debugging code. Then the code finds which cog is running C and stops all the other cogs. Then it loads a video driver into one cog and starts displaying things.

Code ends up rather similar to Spin/PASM with PASM largely staying the same and Spin translated to C. I'm using an IDE that does some preprocessing to glue the Pasm to the C code, but in the end it produces standard Catalina code.

Catalina has the 'main' at the end of the program, so this is the main code:
void main ()
	int i;
        printf("Clock speed %u \n",_clockfreq());                     // see page 28 of the propeller manual for other useful commands
        printf("Catalina running in cog number %i \n",_cogid());      // integer
	sleep(4000); 								// for CRT display to warm up
	stopallcogs(); 							// stop all cogs except C one
        vga160(7);                                                    // start graphic driver in cog 7
	displayclear();							// clear the display
	plotbox(0,0,159,119,rgb(255,0,0));					// draw a box in red round edges
	displayicon(50,50);							// display 32x32 picture of Tweety
	plotbox(49,49,82,82,rgb(0,255,0));				// draw a box around the picture
        while (1);                                                    // Prop reboots on exit from main()

The code below is getting rather large, and it could be shortened by using #include .h instead of pasting the .h file into the code. I've written it as a large text file so it can be posted here. In future things like bitmaps could be stored on an SD card rather than as data in the program.

I'm looking forward to getting Catalina to do more interesting things, including loading and reloading cogs to switch video drivers within code.

I'd love some input from C programmers, as my C programming is not that great!
/* PASM demo for use with Catalina IDE Precompiler and Compiler */

#include <stdio.h>

/* Global constants for both C and PASM */
const unsigned long int graphicstart  = 100;                               // start of space for video graphics buffer - problems if less than 100 but must be under 512
const unsigned long int displayindicator_const = 19998;                    // 19200 plus a buffer (tile drivers might use more)
const unsigned long int syncindicator_const = 19999;                       // used by the graphics code
/* End global constants */

/* PASM Code for compilation using SpinC and inclusion as a data file
PASM Start vga160.spin
  directionstate_const = $00FF0000                                         ' for pin group 2                                                                        
  videostate_const = $30_00_04_FF                                          ' for pin group 2
  frequencystate_const = 337914606                                         ' calculated for 80Mhz
  _clkfreq = 80_000_000                                              ' 5Mhz Crystal
  _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x                                          ' x 16
                                                                     ' Start of C hub constants
  graphicstart  = 100
  displayindicator_const = 19998
  syncindicator_const = 19999
                                                                     ' End of C constants

PUB Main
    coginit(1,@initialization,0)                                           ' cog 1 dummy, cogstart, dummy value see Loop replaced par with #0


                        org     0

initialization          mov     vcfg,           videoState                 ' Setup video hardware.
                        mov     frqa,           frequencyState             '
                        movi    ctra,           #%0_00001_101              '
                        mov     displayindicatoraddress,  #1               ' startup value

' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'                       Active Video
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

loop                    mov     displayCounter, #graphicstart              ' buffer starts at graphicstart must be < 9 bits value ie <512 so 0 is the logical choice                                                       
                        mov     tilesCounter,   #120                       '

tilesDisplay            mov     tileCounter,    #4                         ' Set/Reset tile fill counter.

tileDisplay             mov     vscl,           visibleScale               ' Set/Reset the video scale.
                        mov     counter,        #40                        '

' //////////////////////Visible Video//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

videoLoop               rdlong  buffer,         displayCounter             ' Download new pixels.
                        add     displayCounter, #4                         '

                        or      buffer,         HVSyncColors               ' Update display scanline.
                        waitvid buffer,         #%%3210                    '

                        djnz    counter,        #videoLoop                 ' Repeat.

' //////////////////////Invisible Video////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        mov     vscl,           invisibleScale             ' Set/Reset the video scale.

                        waitvid HSyncColors,    syncPixels                 ' Horizontal Sync.

' //////////////////////Repeat/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        sub     displayCounter, #160                       ' Repeat.
                        djnz    tileCounter,    #tileDisplay               '

                        add     displayCounter, #160                       ' Repeat.
                        djnz    tilesCounter,   #tilesDisplay              '

' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'                       Inactive Video
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        add     refreshCounter, #1                         ' Update sync indicator.
                        wrbyte  refreshCounter, syncIndicatorAddress       '

' //////////////////////Front Porch////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        mov     counter,        #11                        ' Set loop counter.

frontPorch              mov     vscl,           blankPixels                ' Invisible lines.
                        waitvid HSyncColors,    #0                         '

                        mov     vscl,           invisibleScale             ' Horizontal Sync.
                        waitvid HSyncColors,    syncPixels                 '

                        djnz    counter,        #frontPorch                ' Repeat # times.

' //////////////////////Vertical Sync//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        mov     counter,        #(2 + 2)                   ' Set loop counter.

verticalSync            mov     vscl,           blankPixels                ' Invisible lines.
                        waitvid VSyncColors,    #0                         '

                        mov     vscl,           invisibleScale             ' Vertical Sync.
                        waitvid VSyncColors,    syncPixels                 '

                        djnz    counter,        #verticalSync              ' Repeat # times.

' //////////////////////Back Porch/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        mov     counter,        #31                        ' Set loop counter.

backPorch               mov     vscl,           blankPixels                ' Invisible lines.
                        waitvid HSyncColors,    #0                         '

                        mov     vscl,           invisibleScale             ' Horizontal Sync.
                        waitvid HSyncColors,    syncPixels                 '

                        djnz    counter,        #backPorch                 ' Repeat # times.

' //////////////////////Update Display Settings////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        rdbyte  buffer,         displayIndicatorAddress wz ' Update display settings.
                        muxnz   dira,           directionState             '

' //////////////////////Loop///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        jmp     #loop                                      ' Loop.

' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'                       Data
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

invisibleScale          long    (16 << 12) + 160                           ' Scaling for inactive video.
visibleScale            long    (4 << 12) + 16                             ' Scaling for active video.
blankPixels             long    640                                        ' Blank scanline pixel length.
syncPixels              long    $00_00_3F_FC                               ' F-porch, h-sync, and b-porch.
HSyncColors             long    $01_03_01_03                               ' Horizontal sync color mask.
VSyncColors             long    $00_02_00_02                               ' Vertical sync color mask.
HVSyncColors            long    $03_03_03_03                               ' Horizontal and vertical sync colors.

' //////////////////////Configuration Settings//////////////////////////////////////////

directionState          long    directionstate_const
videoState              long    videostate_const
frequencyState          long    frequencystate_const

' //////////////////////Addresses//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

displayIndicatorAddress long    displayindicator_const                                
syncIndicatorAddress    long    syncindicator_const    ' global constant                            

' //////////////////////Run Time Variables/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

counter                 res     1
buffer                  res     1

tileCounter             res     1
tilesCounter            res     1

refreshCounter          res     1
displayCounter          res     1

' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

                        fit     496

void vga160(char cognumber)                                           // unique name for each loader
        * @file vga160_array.h
        * Created with spin.binary PASM to C Array Converter.
        * Copyright (c) 2011, John Doe
       unsigned long vga160_array[] =
           0xa0bffc33, 0xa0bff434, 0x58fff00d, 0xa0fc6a01, 
           0xa0fc7864, 0xa0fc7478, 0xa0fc7204, 0xa0bffe2c, 
           0xa0fc6e28, 0x08bc703c, 0x80fc7804, 0x68bc7031, 
           0xfc7c70e4, 0xe4fc6e09, 0xa0bffe2b, 0xfc3c5e2e, 
           0x84fc78a0, 0xe4fc7207, 0x80fc78a0, 0xe4fc7406, 
           0x80fc7601, 0x003c7636, 0xa0fc6e0b, 0xa0bffe2d, 
           0xfc7c5e00, 0xa0bffe2b, 0xfc3c5e2e, 0xe4fc6e17, 
           0xa0fc6e04, 0xa0bffe2d, 0xfc7c6000, 0xa0bffe2b, 
           0xfc3c602e, 0xe4fc6e1d, 0xa0fc6e1f, 0xa0bffe2d, 
           0xfc7c5e00, 0xa0bffe2b, 0xfc3c5e2e, 0xe4fc6e23, 
           0x02bc7035, 0x7cbfec32, 0x5c7c0004, 0x000100a0, 
           0x00004010, 0x00000280, 0x00003ffc, 0x01030103, 
           0x00020002, 0x03030303, 0x00ff0000, 0x300004ff, 
           0x14242aee, 0x00004e1e, 0x00004e1f
       unsigned long hub_array[512];
       unsigned long par_cogject[] = { 1, 2, 3 };                    // data to pass to cog - ignore if not used
       int i;
       for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)
              hub_array[i] = vga160_array[i];
       _coginit((int)par_cogject>>2, (int)hub_array>>2, cognumber);  // load into cog

void pset(int x, int y, char pixelcolor)                        	//  set pixel at x,y to color %RRGGBBxx x=0 to 159, y=0 to 119
	int address = graphicstart + x + (y * 160);			// calculate the address - no boundary checks as slows down code
	*((char *)address) = pixelcolor;					// poke to this location in hub memory 

char rgb(char red, char green, char blue)  // pass red etc 0-255, reduces to 0-3, combines to pixelcolor
	char pixelcolor;
	red = red >> 6;                                              // divide by 64 
	green = green >> 6;
	blue = blue >> 6;
	pixelcolor = (red << 6) | (green << 4) | (blue << 2);        // combine together using shifts then or bits
	return pixelcolor;

void plotbox(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, char pixelcolor)		// plot a box, or a line eg horizontal line y1=y2
	int x;
	int y;
	for (x=x1; x<=x2 ;x++)
			pset(x,y1,pixelcolor);			      // horizontal lines
	for (y=y1+1; y < y2; y++)
			pset(x1,y,pixelcolor);				// vertical lines

void displayclear()	 							// clears to black
	int address;
	char pixelcolor = 0;							// black
	for (address=graphicstart; address < graphicstart+19200; address++)			
			*((char *)address) = pixelcolor;			// set to pixelcolor

// ---------------------------- end vga 160x120 driver methods ------------------------------------------------

void displayicon(int x,int y)					// 32x32 bit icon created from the Visual IDE tab and copied here. Display at x,y
	int r;
	int c;
	int i;
										// File c:\program files\catalina\demos\tweety32.h
     char tweety[] =
          0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 
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          0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xe8, 0xe4, 0xe4, 0xe4, 0xe8, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xe8, 0xe4, 0xe4, 0xe4, 0xe4, 0xe4, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0xfc, 
	i=0;									// counter
       for(r=0; r<32; r++)							// count rows
		for(c=0; c<32; c++)						// column counter
			i++;							// increment counter

char peek(int address)                                               // function implementation of peek
       return *((char *)address);

void poke(int address, char value)                                   // function implementation of poke
       *((char *)address) = value;

void clearscreen()                                                   // white text on dark blue background
       int i;
       for (i=0;i<40;i++)
               t_setpos(0,0,i);                                      // move cursor to next line
               t_color(0,0x08FC);                                    // RRGGBBxx eg dark blue background 00001000 white text 11111100

void sleep(int milliseconds)                                         // sleep function

void stopallcogs()								// stop all cogs except the one running C
	int i;
	int c;								       // cog running C
		if(i != c)
			_cogstop(i);						// stop this cog if not the one running C

void main ()
	int i;
       printf("Clock speed %u \n",_clockfreq());                     // see page 28 of the propeller manual for other useful commands
       printf("load cogject into cog 7\n");
       printf("Catalina running in cog number %i \n",_cogid());      // integer
	sleep(4000); 								// for CRT display to warm up
	stopallcogs(); 							// stop all cogs except C one
       vga160(7);                                                    // start graphic driver in cog 7
	displayclear();							// clear the display
	plotbox(0,0,159,119,rgb(255,0,0));					// draw a box in red 1 pixel in from the edges
//	pset(0,0,0xff);  							// top left corner to white
//	pset(0,119,rgb(0,255,0));   					// set pixel to red green blue value bottom left corner
//	pset(159,0,rgb(0,0,255)); 						// top right corner
//	pset(159,119,rgb(255,255,0)); 					// bottom right corner
	displayicon(50,50);							// display 32x32 picture
	plotbox(49,49,82,82,rgb(0,255,0));				// draw a box around the picture
       while (1);                                                    // Prop reboots on exit from main()
640 x 592 - 50K
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