Recommendations for sunlight-readable displays?

Hello All,
I wondered whether anyone could recommend a display (LCD or otherwise) that is reasonably readable in bright sunlight? I am starting a project that is generally used outside in the summer and even in the UK this might be too much for most LCD displays. If anyone has experience of a high-contrast LCD display I would appreciate a pointer - I don't want the user to have to cup the display with a hand or squint at it.
Many thanks
I wondered whether anyone could recommend a display (LCD or otherwise) that is reasonably readable in bright sunlight? I am starting a project that is generally used outside in the summer and even in the UK this might be too much for most LCD displays. If anyone has experience of a high-contrast LCD display I would appreciate a pointer - I don't want the user to have to cup the display with a hand or squint at it.
Many thanks
I had good results with the 4X20 serial LCD from Parallax or the LCD03 from robot electronics:
I used a big font solutions.
It worked also the huge LCD from sparkfun.
I used big font (propeller ROM fonts), white background (inverted display) and a little bit of back light.
Every time I had good results on a sailing boat (with big fonts I was able to read it 3 meters away).
I'm testing now Ray's 4.3" displays, with white background and a big font, but direct sunlight is not available at the moment...
Please let me know if you find a good solution...
I think 'transflective' is the word I was looking for. 'transreflective' was bouncing around in my head but I couldn't find anything - probably because it doesn't exist as a word...