Broadband Connection Speed Test

A Verizon DSL tech showed me his preferred speed test after repairing my line. Go to and click on the city nearest you. Not sure if it works for a cable connection or not. Please advise if it does!
BTW, for US DSL customers, if you haven't had the phone company review your charges, you are likely missing out on savings that could be applied due to price and package changes. They do NOT review your account (legal reasons) unless you authorize them to do so. I've found that paying my phone bill by phone and having them review my account every three months has led to excellent savings. (Last month I got $20 a month off my current package. (they even credited it backward a month, no contract)
So yes, check your bandwidth and then find out if you could be getting more for what you are paying now if you haven't done so in a while.
Site reported 44.98 MBytes down and 44.88 MBytes up, firewall reported 44.9788 MBytes down and 44.87668 MBytes up.
For the T1 connection (Bridged T1X2 connection):
Site reported 5.67 MBytes down and 5.01 MBytes up, firewall reported 5.6666 MBytes down and 5.00230 MBytes up.
For the CC connection (Std Comcast connection):
Site reported 2.86 MBytes down and 2.67 MBytes up, firewall reported 2.8567 MBytes down and 2.66890 MBytes up.
If you want, I can test this on high speed fios, but I gather the results will be about as legit as listed here. It's many ways to hell-hacked-hard to spoof DL/UL speed tools not based on your PC; too many ways to verify the results, leading to disbelieve and no web traffic on the site.
We have a Cable modem through COX communications and the site above reports ( 5.88 down / 2.93 up)
...Although, I think alot depends on the server you select...
... I'm closest to Dallas, and it's the slowest as far as download
By the way, there are other sites like this (as SSteve mentioned). I've used for years, as well as a quality test at There are even mobile phone app versions of speedtest.
and to think they want to cut costs and use dial up again . // * smack * //
over my dead body ...
In Iowa I am getting 10Mb down on a 12 line and 1M Up on a 1.5 Line .
considering my ENTIRE college only has subscribed to 35 down 5 up .
I feel Very happy with my fat pipe in my dorm room . no joke all 3K students on a cable line ..
no wonder I had so many issues with them ..
11.2Kb per student is useless. ( assumeing everines on at once )
Not too sure about that site. I get drastically different results each time and variances between browsers:
Firefox averaged 2.8down and 0.8 up
IE averaged 2.5 down and 2.9 up
Seamonkey averaged 2.9 down and 2.7 up (hit 56.91down on one pass?!?!)
30.627Mb down
23.527Mb up
Says it needs more Flash power or some such.
BTW: Does everyone's ip appear beneath the posts or
is that just a moderator thing? I just now noticed that.
more than one 1080p video feed at the same time...awesome!
If they did not cap your downloads you could certainly
create quite an archive.
But theirs a sucker born every minute.
If you think your INTERNET speed is constant and is always the same speed.
They suckered you in.
It had to be a carny :-)
(or perhaps a lawyer)
AFAIK it was P. T. Barnum, and you win the prize Holly. He was a circus ringmaster and owner.
Must be just for moderators. Never seen it when I am logged in.
Download Speed: 86235 kbps (10779.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 69448 kbps (8681 KB/sec transfer rate)
I've noticed that in general, I get capped at 11.4 or 11.7 MB/s download rate when I download many files concurrently.
downloads: 1.09Mbps
i checked my speed through this site.