Problems connecting to Propeller Demo Board on OS/X
I downloaded BST and FTDI drivers. I see the device at /dev/tty.usbserial-A100dYHo
But, when I "Detect Hardware" is says "Cannot find Propeller". I tried on Windows 7 and stil got the same error. Can you help?
But, when I "Detect Hardware" is says "Cannot find Propeller". I tried on Windows 7 and stil got the same error. Can you help?
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That the device shows up in /dev indicates that the FTDI chip has been recognized... now on the prop side...
Is the prop powered from 3.3V correctly ?, have all pairs of VDD/GND the correct voltage (measure with multimeter) ?
I'lI assume you have the USB Demo board.... you have to test if you get signal on the pins TX and RX when you use the "Detect propeller" function (you can set the port to use in BST). Check with an oscilloscope if you have or logic analyzer or with preferably an analog multimeter
Using a Terminal program you can talk to the prop and check if you get signal in the RX pin (P31).