Need help in Propeller Demo Board (Blinkink an LED)
Posts: 705
Hello everybody,
I've taken the great decision to start with Propeller.! (I have already run successfully some amazing damos with sound, TV-monitor, mouse etc.!!! Actually those demos are very sophisticated and amazing!!!)
I have the propeller demo board and I'm trying to Blinkink an LED about once a second
Althought the led lights up it is not blinkink (I use a 220Ω resistor instedad off the 100Ω resistor that suggest the activity. p.p.31 book "Programming the propeller with spin. A beginner's guide to parallel".
(I have aslo changed the Output_pin from 27 to 3 because the Demo doard doesn't have freethe pin27, and I have also connected: Vss---Negative leg of the LED----Positive leg of the LED
220Ω Resistor
PIN 3)
Could you help me please?
What is wrong?
here is the code:
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll2x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000 'Note Clock Speed for your setup!!
inv_hight = 0
inv_low = 1
waitPeriod = 5_000_000 ' 1/2 sec switch cycle
output_pin = 3
pub go
dira [output_pin]~~
outa [output_pin]~~
PRI turnOn_LED
outa[ output_pin]:=inv_hight
PRI turnOff_LED
outa[ output_pin]:=inv_low
PRI wait
Thank you in advance
P.s. I feel a bit embarrassing with this question I know that even 14year old users have achieved this task, But I have stuck.
I've taken the great decision to start with Propeller.! (I have already run successfully some amazing damos with sound, TV-monitor, mouse etc.!!! Actually those demos are very sophisticated and amazing!!!)
I have the propeller demo board and I'm trying to Blinkink an LED about once a second
Althought the led lights up it is not blinkink (I use a 220Ω resistor instedad off the 100Ω resistor that suggest the activity. p.p.31 book "Programming the propeller with spin. A beginner's guide to parallel".
(I have aslo changed the Output_pin from 27 to 3 because the Demo doard doesn't have freethe pin27, and I have also connected: Vss---Negative leg of the LED----Positive leg of the LED
220Ω Resistor
PIN 3)
Could you help me please?
What is wrong?
here is the code:
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll2x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000 'Note Clock Speed for your setup!!
inv_hight = 0
inv_low = 1
waitPeriod = 5_000_000 ' 1/2 sec switch cycle
output_pin = 3
pub go
dira [output_pin]~~
outa [output_pin]~~
PRI turnOn_LED
outa[ output_pin]:=inv_hight
PRI turnOff_LED
outa[ output_pin]:=inv_low
PRI wait
Thank you in advance
P.s. I feel a bit embarrassing with this question I know that even 14year old users have achieved this task, But I have stuck.
When you post code, place your code between code tags, like what you see below but be sure to remove all of the spaces I placed between the brackets.
[ code ]
[ / code ]
Without the code tags, the indentation is lost and it's hard to read your code.
This works too
At least this would be a very classic mistake.
Good idea! I'm always getting messed up by that pin numbering scheme. I never get used to it.
I didn't expect such response! Thank you all of you!
I copyed -Paste both codes that send Mike on my propeller tool and it works! I don't know what I have done wrong. I kept the same circuit and I only run Mike's code and it works!!!
Anyway I'm thankfull. I'll try to do the best using my propeller. I have been studying propeller and spin for 3-4 days (during Christmas holydays) and I'm fascinated. I feel that I can do a lot of things using this tool. I hope that I will be able to contribute to propeller comunity in the near future!
Happy holydays and Happy New Year!!!!
Thank you "Humanoido"!
I think you are right. This was my fault. I hadn't have any indented instruction under my repeat command.
In my case I absolutely need a second brain to correct syntax and spelling mistakes
If you extend your project "Fill the Big Brain" to humans I'll be one of the first customers