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I apologize. The G251DriverV3/Stepper Driver is losing steps — Parallax Forums

I apologize. The G251DriverV3/Stepper Driver is losing steps

idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
edited 2010-12-22 22:05 in Propeller 1
Hello Everyone

I am sorry to inform you that G251DriverV3 stepper driver posted here in the forum and in the OBEX is losing steps. It is my highest priority to resolve this problem quickly. I got a little eager in posting the code without thoroughly testing it first, and for this I apologize. Hopefully sometime later this evening, or perhaps sometime tomorrow, I should have it thoroughly refined and polished. Sorry for any inconvenience that it may have caused anyone.

Should anyone decide to help me in this endeavor, please feel free to drop in. The lastest available code can be viewed at the original thread:


Please refer any comments and/or fixes to the original thread.

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