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A Whoops in the Wobsite — Parallax Forums

A Whoops in the Wobsite

RubrChickenRubrChicken Posts: 39
edited 2010-12-23 16:53 in Announcements
The Parallax holiday LED contest page ( has a little blue picture (liked to iGen) that says "LED Student Design Challenge," and also places the due date on January 15th. I understand there are two contests, one due on January 15th and the other on the 4th, however it isn't very clear on y'all's page. Perhaps there should be a caption below the Student Design Challenge picture, explaining that it is a different contest, or perhaps it should be removed altogether. Of course, if I'm wrong, and the due date of the Holiday LED Challenge is extended to the 15th (yesssss) then the timetable a little below the blue picture is not correct.

My project is coming along nicely! Though blue LEDs are much brighter than any of the other colors I have!



  • BumpBump Posts: 592
    edited 2010-12-23 16:53
    Ah, please accept our apology for the confusion.
    This is the second, or the other contest, that was mentioned when we first created this forum. It is an entirely different animal, and has different rules and considerations.

    Check out more over here:
    As a warning I will let you know that the page linked above might not be viewable with Internet Explorer.

    The Holiday LED Contest still has the Jan 04, 2011 deadline.
    The Student LED Design Contest is Jan 15, 2011; it is also a multi-phase contest with a potential grant.
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