Serial comm not as reliable as PC port.
I am having trouble trying to get reliable serial reception with the propeller but having problems. I have a box sending out about 20 bytes at 9600 baud after it received a "D". I am at this point just printing this using TV term. It works, but only 80 90 percent of the time. I send out a "D" and get the data back at about 10 times a second. Its likely noise or timing, but I cannot nail it down and need advice. If I attach the receive line from the breadboard to a PC at the same time, the PC gets the right info every time, nice and consistant without the need to retry if certain characters are not received. The prop(and basic stamp, and pic processor) only seem to work about 80-90% of the time. What are the likely things to check. 9600 baud is pretty slow and should be easy to deal with.
I think TV-Term uses FullDuplexSerial for its serial I/O. This uses a fairly simple algorithm for start bit detection, so it could be easily thrown off by noise spikes.
If the TV_Terminal object is meant with "TV_Term" then replace it with TV_Text, which should be faster.
Then I would also use another Serial object with a bigger buffer, for example the attached Serial_Conf.
In case you are losing characters in the fifo, try my FullDuplexSerial_RRxxx in the OBEX and change the buffer size to say 32 (must be power of 2 and 256 is the max). This is compatible with FullDuplexSerial.