Decoupling Capacitors
I'm designing a circuit that uses both the surface mount and dip propeller chips. The dip will receive the usual two decoupling capacitors, one on each side, as the chip has two voltage and ground pins. However, on the surface mount chip, it appears to have four pin pairs of Vss and Vdd. Will the surface mount chip require double the number of decoupling capacitors. What will be the likely result with only one decoupler? (with a standard 80MHz clock)
The Propeller Demo Board appears to only have 1 decoupler, also.
The Propeller backpack board has 2 decouplers on the Propeller power pins
The MSR1 Robot Controller board has 3 decouplers on the Propeller power pins.
The Propeller Servo Controller USB has 3 decouplers on the Propeller power pins.
The Propeller Platform USB has 3 decouplers on the Propeller power pins.
The Spinneret has all 4 decouplers on the Propeller power pins.
So, I dunno what is needed and what's not. Maybe it depend a lot on what others parts are on/near those power lines on the board?
I would consider connecting all four Vdd/Vss pairs, with 0.22uF ceramic bypass caps on pins 5/8 and 27/30, and a tantalum or large-value ceramic filter cap near the 3.3V regulator output (depending on regulator specs) to be a minimum requirement.
The Prop ProtoBoard indeed only has a single bypass cap at the prop pins. The circuit states it is a 1uf ceramic. There is a ground plane around the prop on the underside and a 3v3 plane encompassed within that under the prop. I suspect there is a ground plane under the prop on the top side. This is pretty much what I have done on my RamBlade.
However, the protoboard and other boards are not being pushed to the limits like I do on the RamBlades and TriBlades, and my future boards.
Just by running programs through the prop will not adequately test the design and decoupling properly. From tests Sapieha has done and understanding what he has found, I hypothesise that starting and stopping cogs (by waitxxx) instructions and with the counters exercised, with all cogs running, will cause the most errors. This is due to the start/stop currents. A good bulk cap such as a 10uF Tantalum under the prop and 0.1uF (100nF) X7R ceramics for each set of pins is a good choice. An extra 10nF under the prop is an added bonus. There are of course other ways of doing this too.
Somewhere I posted my RamBlade prop pcb section. I run it at 104MHz and ship 108MHz as well. It has run at 8x14.3MHz but not tested enough to be confident. It will not run at 8x15MHz=120MHz like the DIP in my TriBlade leaving me to suspect the DIP package may be a little more imune.
It is not that It is Yours PCB that not can run 15MHz.
I have tested it more extensively AND it is ALL my propellers can RUN 14.318.180 BUT only 3 of them can run 15MHz.