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Merry Christmas everyone.. — Parallax Forums

Merry Christmas everyone..

phoenix28phoenix28 Posts: 5
edited 2011-01-11 17:31 in General Discussion
Its been another year again for everyone to celebrate the birth and the greatest gift of all, its our Lord Jesus Christ.

I just wanna share the six unwrapped gifts that we should always kept in our hearts.

1. Gift of Salvation
2. Gift of Church
3. Gift of Jesus First - a Jesus lifestyle.
4. Gift of Forgiveness
5. Gift of Prayer
6. Gift of the Word - the Bible, the most sold out book in the world.


  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-12-21 01:43
    Christmas has reached the opposite side of the world, in China. There are Christmas trees, decorations, music, santa, elves, candy canes, snowmen, icicles, stockings, wreathes, and animated lights on trees by the roadside. It's not all commercial. Many Chinese people are asking me about the Birth of Christ. Merry Christmas to all!
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2010-12-21 02:09
    There are Christmas trees, decorations, music, santa, elves, candy canes, snowmen, icicles, stockings, wreathes, and animated lights on trees by the roadside.

    Never mind commercial, that's a lot if the good old, no ancient, pagan stuff you have got there. Not much in the way of actual Christ Mass. Not that I buy into that particular story very much despite my protestant up bringing.

    Still peace and goodwill to all men seems to be a jolly good idea whatever time of year.

    So may you all have peace, goodwill for the future (and a Propeller for Christmas:))
  • Invent-O-DocInvent-O-Doc Posts: 768
    edited 2010-12-21 02:33
    Merry Christmas to all!
  • electrosyselectrosys Posts: 212
    edited 2010-12-21 10:40
    Merry Christmas and happiness to all people at this little planet, and other bigger planets, if there is any ET's ;)
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2010-12-21 19:36
    Amen, Brothers! Merry Christmas and to all , and to all a new S2!
  • RavenkallenRavenkallen Posts: 1,057
    edited 2010-12-21 19:52
    @Phoenix28...Very true. Most people forget what Christmas really is about....

    @ALL.... Merry Christmas AND a happy New Year!!!! Drive safe and don't drink to much :)
  • kf4ixmkf4ixm Posts: 529
    edited 2010-12-21 19:53
    Merry Christmas to all, hope the New Year brings the best to everyone. Also, thank you Parallax for bringing all these knowledgeable people together through the use of your great products. I'm glad to be part of it! :)
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2010-12-21 21:12
    phoenix28 wrote: »
    ...a Jesus lifestyle....

    phoenix28, hey man, that's a nice set of wheels you got there.
  • Ding-BattyDing-Batty Posts: 302
    edited 2010-12-21 21:43
    Happy Yule everyone...
  • pacmanpacman Posts: 327
    edited 2010-12-21 22:59
    Best wishes to ALL (regardless of their religious belief:- christian, pagan, atheist, hindi, Zog from the planet Thring..).

    WHATEVER floats your boat. Stay Safe, Have a good one, and may _your_ God bless you at this time.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2010-12-22 22:02
    Here are our twins killing time waiting for Santa Claus:
  • John A. ZoidbergJohn A. Zoidberg Posts: 514
    edited 2010-12-23 01:11
    Merry Christmas! :)
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2010-12-23 23:22
    Merry Christmas everyone and may Santa bring you lots of props :)
  • edited 2010-12-24 04:45
    Merry Christmas!!!
  • ratronicratronic Posts: 1,451
    edited 2010-12-24 09:13
    Merry Christmas phoenix28!
  • blittledblittled Posts: 681
    edited 2010-12-24 09:32
    Merry Christmas everyone and may the Lord bless you in the new year.
  • skylightskylight Posts: 1,915
    edited 2010-12-24 10:21
    Ho Ho Ho Merry Chistmas!
  • hover1hover1 Posts: 1,929
    edited 2010-12-24 13:01
    Merry Christmas to everyone on the other side of the date line that have already received a visit from Santa.
    And to everyone about to receive.

  • phoenix28phoenix28 Posts: 5
    edited 2011-01-11 16:56
    New Year, New Life, New Hope. May this year bring us all the amazing blessing of our Lord Almighty.
  • MicrocontrolledMicrocontrolled Posts: 2,461
    edited 2011-01-11 17:16
    Well said.
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2011-01-11 17:31
    Well said.

    Thanks! :D
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