Unadvertised Specials
While perusing through the Parallax store, I found some product markdowns that are not on the eMarket link on the Parallax site. Most noticeable, the StingRay Robot has been marked down to $ 249.99, a $50.00 savings. In my opinion, this should have been well advertised 1-2 weeks earlier, to ensure shipping in time for Christmas. May be I missed that announcement.
StingRay Robot
Other deals:
Hydra Ethernet Card
Propeller Servo Controller USB
7-Segment Daughterboard (Master Unit)
7-Segment Daughterboard (Slave Unit)
RFID Read/Write Module, Serial
QuadRover 50% off? You wish.
StingRay Robot
Other deals:
Hydra Ethernet Card
Propeller Servo Controller USB
7-Segment Daughterboard (Master Unit)
7-Segment Daughterboard (Slave Unit)
RFID Read/Write Module, Serial
QuadRover 50% off? You wish.

It looks like the servo controller is back up to the normal price. I picked up a few extras when they were down to $35.
I'll alert the proper people as to the discrepancy.