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TV colors- basic crayola table — Parallax Forums

TV colors- basic crayola table

ServoMServoM Posts: 10
edited 2010-12-20 15:50 in Propeller 1
Has anyone distilled the color code scheme into a *basic* set of colors that can be quickly and easily used in the graphics demos?

Consider something not far from 'see spot run'...

Think of a box of 8 crayolas: red, yellow, blue, green, black, brown, purple, orange.

For grins, add white.

A simply defined set like this will make the graphics module infinitely easier to use, immediately.



  • BaggersBaggers Posts: 3,019
    edited 2010-12-20 11:57
    I think OBC was working on this some time back!
  • ericballericball Posts: 774
    edited 2010-12-20 13:32
    I don't know about 8 colors, but I'd recommend starting with:
    $02, $03, $04, $05, $06, $07  = black to white greyscale
    $xC = pale colors  
    $y8 = bright colors
     x  y
     3 11 magenta
     5 13 red
     7 15 yellow
    11  3 green
    13  5 cyan
    15  7 blue
    That gives you 18 colors to work with.
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2010-12-20 15:14
    I'm not sure about TV, as TV can do more than VGA, but attached is the complete VGA palette. I coded these manually and it took about an hour to create. There are two grays in there as well as black and white.
    408 x 208 - 23K
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-12-20 15:50
    I've often had the Crayola problem :D Many video drivers suffer on ease of use.
    Here's a list of names and values I developed last month based on HTML names.
    I'm sure several values are wrong, but it's a start.

    The 8 color Crayola box is hiding there too.
        BLACK        = 1
        DARKEST_GREY = 2 ' well its BLACK too
        DARK_GREY    = 3
        GREY         = 4
        LIGHT_GREY   = 5
        WHITE_GREY   = 6
        WHITE        = 7
        INDIAN_RED4  = 185
        CORAL3       = 170
        CORAL2       = 171
        SANDY_BROWN  = 172
        LIGHT_SALMON2= 190
        YELLOW       = 158
        WHITE2       = 103
        LIGHT_GREEN  = 8
        BLUE         = 9
        BLUE1        = 10
        VIOLET       = 11
        PURPLE       = 12
        PURPLE3      = 250
        MED_PURPLE4  = 233
        LT_PURPLE    = 13
        LT_PURPLE1   = 14
        LT_GREEN     = 15
        L1_GREEN     = 17
        GOLD         = 24
        GOLD2        = 173
        GOLD3        = 157
        DODGER_BLUE  = 28
        DODGER_BLUE2 = 175
        AZURE        = 29
        SKY_BLUE     = 29
        LIGHT_SKY_BLUE = 30
        GOLDENROD    = 31
        KHAKI1       = 174
        DARK_GOLDENROD4 = 154
        LIGHT_GOLDENROD4 = 156
        GOLDENROD2   = 189
        GOLDENROD4   = 155
        BURNT_ORANGE = 40
        ORANGE       = 188
        DARK_ORANGE2 = 188
        CORNFLOWER_BLUE = 41
        ROYAL_BLUE   = 43
        ROYAL_BLUE2  = 152
        DEEP_SKY_BLUE = 44
        STEEL_BLUE   = 45
        STEEL_BLUE1  = 168
        STEEL_BLUE2  = 191
        LIGHT_CYAN   = 46
        RED          = $BB
        FIREBRICK    = 47
        FIREBRICK2   = 56
        FIREBRICK4   = 202
        MAROON       = 203
        MAROON2      = 204
        MAGENTAX     = 205
        NAVY         = 57
        NAVY_BLUE    = 57
        SLATE_BLUE   = 59
        'DEEP_SKY_BLUE2 = 60
        CYAN2        = 61
        CYAN1        = 62
        CYAN         = 60
        FIREBRICK3   = 63
        HOT_PINK     = 72
        HOT_PINK4    = 217
        HOT_PINK1    = 111
        HOT_PINK2    = 120
        LIGHT_PINK   = 222
        LIGHT_PINK1  = 223
        SEA_GREEN4   = 74
        FOREST_GREEN = 75
        SEA_GREEN    = 76
        TURQUOISE    = 77
        TURQUOISE1   = 200
        TURQUOISE2   = 78
        MAGENTA      = 88
        MAGENTA1     = 104
        MAGENTA2     = 95
        DARK_SLATE_GREY = 89
        DARK_GREEN   = 90
        GREEN        = 109
        YELLOW_GREEN = 92
        SEA_GREEN2   = 93
        SEA_GREEN1   = 94
        DARK_SEA_GREEN4  = 105
        LIME_GREEN   = 106
        GREEN3       = 107
        GREEN2       = 107
        GREEN1       = 108
        SPRING_GREEN2 = 110
        CHARTREUSE3  = 141
        CHARTREUSE2  = 125
        CHARTREUSE   = 126
        DARK_ORCHID  = 136
        GREEN_YELLOW = 140
        GREEN_YELLOW1= 142
        LAWN_GREEN   = 141
        BRIGHT_GREEN = 216
        MEDIUM_ORCHID3 = 143
        MEDIUM_ORCHID1 = 206
        MEDIUM_ORCHID  = 234
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