Cognew + Watchdog timer

May I know if there is a way to launch a cog for a fixed time? I only know:
VAR byte globalFlag[8] PUB Main | cogID, i repeat i from 1 to 8 cogID := cognew(chkSensor(i), @cogStack) + 1 waitcnt(cnt + clkfreq/5) cogstop(cogID~ -1) if globalFlag[i] > 1 'Sensor OK else 'Sensor Failed
You should explain what your goal is .. what's the purpose of the 'fixed runtime'-COG. How adequate does the runtime have to be? What is the speed requirement of the runtime-COG? Is it feasible to add some instructions to check the runtime by it's own or do you need 100% of computational power for it's main task? How much COGs do you need in the end and is there a COG that can do the COGSTOP at all?
The way you do it in your example is fine for certain scenarios. And as the Propeller is fully deterministic this way also allows 100% adequate timing if you add a to be specified (for example by measurement) constant to the WAITCNT which covers the startup-time of a COG and the setup-time of your program that the COG executes.
If timing requirements are tough and the startup/setup time is to long you could propably start the COG and let it run in a wait loop before you actually want it to do it's job.
You see ... we don't know enough about your problem to give real good advice.
Actually, I was thinking if there could be a way that a new cog could time itself out so as not to tax on Cog0 to run the above repeat loop in sequence as the total sensors might go up to 20+ or so. I was thinking to launch new Cog & if additional Cog available, launch another one, then another one and so on. At any one time, there could be 7 Cogs checking the sensors.
I needed the timeout because if there are no acknowledgement from the sensors, it will be considered as failed so that the Cog will not be waiting for the feedback indefinitely.
Mike: "The other way is to have the cog itself time itself out by periodically checking the system clock for a quit time."
It seems Mike might have answered my problem but may I know how do I get the new Cog to check the system clock (maybe by 100ms) if it is also waiting for a signal from the sensor? Is it using the Cog counter like what you have said? I did looked at WAITPEQ & WAITPNE but it is pausing the Cog with pin conditions which isn't what I need. If you could point me a little further in the direction I should be looking into, it be great.
You launch this into its own cog with the address of the variable for the sensor in question. It checks the sensor state every 5ms until the sensor responds or 100ms has elapsed. You can keep the timing accurate by using a synchronized waitcnt as shown (this is discussed in the manual). At the end the cog unloads itself.