Help for VGA driver 512x384 and graphics.spin
I ask you the following help.
how you can successfully use the graphics library with the original driver vga512x384 parallax parallax. what changes should make it to work properly.
how can you create an assembler routine plot driver for the following example:
with spin pixels [y + x +16>> 5], but with assembler?
this to speed up the tracking pixel
I ask you the following help.
how you can successfully use the graphics library with the original driver vga512x384 parallax parallax. what changes should make it to work properly.
how can you create an assembler routine plot driver for the following example:
with spin pixels [y + x +16>> 5], but with assembler?
this to speed up the tracking pixel
Having been approached recently about programming the propeller, I thought that you could seek help from experts who continually write in this forum, I was hoping at least one answer.
I hope at least that arrives from parallax.
Thank you!
Does this really makes you happy?
pixels[y<<4 + x>>5] |= |< x
translates to something like this in pasm.
Mark71, to get good answers (opposite mine), you have to formulate your question more precise. I really have no idea what to answer your question. Sorry.
Sorry if I was not very precise in formulating the question.
The problem is:
with the parallax driver vga 512x384 2-color, the library graphics.spin does not work.
because it manages the 4-color mode.
as it should be changed.
a function of plot with assembler.
in part, have already been answered.
don't forget to post it working plus source when you've finished