Avatar area displays less than before - Answered & Closed

To Whom it may concern,
"Something" has changed in the last couple weeks: the avatar area of a message now only displays the avatar, number of posts, user name, and level. The information concerning location, etc., is no longer displayed.
I've perused my profile settings and found nothing related to the issue.
Was I asleep when the memo went out?
"Something" has changed in the last couple weeks: the avatar area of a message now only displays the avatar, number of posts, user name, and level. The information concerning location, etc., is no longer displayed.
I've perused my profile settings and found nothing related to the issue.
Was I asleep when the memo went out?
1. Knowing a poster's time zone helps in crafting a timely answer to a query (or lets you know if you have more time). Of course some forumistas seem never to sleep!
2. Knowing a person's country helps one to be more considerate of poor English, if it's not a poster's native language -- or to respond in that language if English becomes too awkward.
I know there's an offsetting consideration regarding vertical space on the screen, which is something I've commented on in the past. But I think the advantages of knowing a poster's location overcomes the disadvantage of two more lines of space. Of more concern in that regard is that the sig line always starts below the last avatar line, when it could overlap instead.
Then there's that inch of whitespace before the edit notice below...
I'll bring it up, we might see a return of the location information.
Anything that serves a reminder that there is a bigger world out there is a good thing. I think it helps feel a little more connected to the rest of the planet when we see that we are conversing with folks around the globe.
Please bring back the location info!
Rich H
Thank you!
Rich H