Pan / Tilt code bug
I have this code attached. It is used for communication with roborealm. it receives 2 values that are coverted to servo width. one for the pan and one for the tilt. The tilt is working as should. But the Pan servo is not moving at all. it is powered and held into place so i can't move it manually.
Any help is welcome!!!
Any help is welcome!!!

I indeed share your idea that the serial connection is kinda fragile. But the solutions you gave me are way over my head. I wrote this code with help of another member.
if you are known with robrealm; this is what is send:
and it is received by the propeller as:
value1 is in the correct place according to the above,though, the other values are an assumption
I don't think there are too many people here that are involved with RoboRelm. That may be why you are not getting an answer. After all this is a Parallax forum and you are asking questions for another vendor
Have you asked in the Roborealm forums:
It's usually a bad idea for a beginner to try to combine the products of two different manufacturers unless both products are sold by one of the manufacturers or unless you're working through a dealer that handles both products. In this case, you're trying to combine a Propeller with RoboRealm. That's fine when things work as they usually do. When they don't work though, you will have a hard time if you don't understand at least the basics of how each product works and how they should connect together.
As I mentioned, there doesn't seem to be anything fundamentally wrong with your Propeller code. I assume that RoboRealm is working, but I (and most people here) have no experience with RoboRealm. Maybe there's some kind of assumption in the communications that's wrong. Maybe you can get enough help from the RoboRealm forum to figure that out.