The 555 Timer IC gets a facelift

Like many people, the first IC I had on a breadboard was a 555 timer IC. I still have some in a box from my high school electronics class. Here's an interesting article about the 555 timer getting some improvements. I didn't think that was possible!
That new one sounds pretty neat... I look forward to to trying some of them out
This is really cool news. Me and the 555 go way back,1980-82.
I'm really glad to see it getting "Hot-Rod"ed rather than discontinued.
Cheap, simple and can get things done real quick!
The Semtech SX8122 mentioned in the article is certainly an interesting twist, quite different from the generic 555. In its 8 pin soic, it includes means to drive an LED (or whatever) at a voltage boosted above its nominal 1V operating voltage, tied to the main timer, and also a means to charge an NiMH battery.